More than meets the eye

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*UN's POV*

I slowly awoke to the sounds of voices, those of America's large family. I sat up, still sluggish from sleep, gently rubbing my eyes a little. As I looked over, I noticed NATO wasn't beside me, he had already gotten up, little surprise there, he was a morning person after all. I stretched out my enormous six wings, a few feathers fell but I thought nothing of it.

I gradually got up, looking out the window, it was mid to late morning by the looks of it, plenty of sun and the birds were singing. I stood in front of the window for a little while, admiring the nature just outside, before heading into the connected bathroom in the room. As I looked in the mirror, I realized I slept in my work clothes, whoops. I forgot to change and bring a change of clothes as well, my hair was terrible too. 

Once I painstakingly brushed it out, I wandered out into the hallway, looking around for NATO or America. A few kids bumped into me or my wings, they looked like they were looking for something, that's worrying. As I went around a corner to the living room, there were a lot of people frantically looking around.

"Um... Am I interrupting something?" 

Many of them stopped what they were doing and turned to look at me. The silence was strangely deafening, their eyes stared at me in the most uncomfortable way. Some of them continued searching, becoming a wee bit more frantic and wild in their situation. One of them finally spoke, their voice sounded judgemental or sassy, I was too tired to tell.

"What's it to you, we don't even know you."

"Wow, okay jeez... I wasn't expecting that answer."

"Well what were you expecting dumbass-"

"New Jersey that's enough." Another person spoke up, looking rather displeased by New Jersey's actions, "you do not treat our guest like that."

"So? They just waltzed in here, it's not their house, I don't give a fuck."

I decided that was a good moment to leave before anything happened as we have seen what might occur in a heated situation between anyone living here. I couldn't help but wonder why they all seem stressed whilst searching around for whatever they were looking for. I noticed some were even going up and down the stairs in pursuit of what they wanted to find.

I stepped on outside to enjoy the morning breeze, the blades of grass swayed slowly and gently in the wind. I saw a few sparrows and blue jays hop and fly about looking for food, along with a raccoon scurrying into a small hole in an oak tree. I sat down on the porch and just, relaxed really, I was thinking when coming over here that things would be stressful but in all honesty, I was feeling the best I ever did in my life.

I had a very comfortable life in they city outside of the meetings and paperwork but something about it felt dull and lacking, boring even. Out here however, I felt at peace for some reason, even though I was literally threatened last evening and witnessed something rather concerning. Just this place in general felt kind of like a piece home to me, odd thing to say or think for someone who has only been here for less than twenty four hours. 

My thoughts paused for a moment when I heard a faint sound of strange mewling nearby. I first thought it was a wild animal and I should leave it but I couldn't stop my curiosity. I got up and slowly walked towards the noise, as I wandered closer, it sounded less like a mewl and more like defensive or desperate whimper, and that quickened my pace. The cries lead me away from the house and into the forest a little, the bushes were thick and the grass was tall, what was strange was that the ground was muddy but it hadn't rained in weeks.

I came across a wide river, many green plants surrounded the riverbank, the water wasn't foggy but instead was very clear. I saw no signs of the animal I heard and the calls had ceased, in fact, it was even quieter here than by the house, no birds were singing, just some bugs and the gentle running of the water. I crept along the river's side, trying to find what had made the noise, a part of me still said to turn back but I couldn't find a reason too. It was as if I was drawn to the sound, despite the dread of being watched that flooded my being, I could have sworn I saw something in the bushes.

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