The Family Union pt: 2, Meeting the demons

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*kinda-America POV*

Both Unions beside me stood shocked, seeing my many children roaming about the house. If either of them were expecting something wild or crazy, I could guarantee this wasn't on that list.

NATO was the first to speak after the startling moment, "who are they and why are they in your house?!" 

I was about to reply when one of my kids did it for me, New York City, of course.

"We're his kids dunceface, I thought it would be obvious." They said with a sassy tone, giving both unions a look.

"New York City, don't call them that." I gazed at them with a stern expression, they sighed and looked away.

"Sorry dad... and you two."

"Very good, now how bout you go to New York and hang out for a while"

They nodded, running up a staircase with such speed. UN rubbed his head, his mind probably spinning from all this.

"Wait, you have kids, and you didn't tell us?!"

"It's a long story and I don't feel like unpacking it all- TEXAS PUT THE AK-47 AWAY!!" I yelled at him, quickly making my way to the other side of the room, standing beside them. Texas had pulled out a gun on California and her cities to intimidate them.

"Aww pawwww, but it's not even loaded-"

"I do not care! We have guests and knowing you, I'm not taking any chances. Put it away with the rest of the guns. NOW." 

He reluctantly obligated and slowly wandered off, California breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah we're fine- oh hey!" California noticed the Unions and trotted over to them like nothing happened, "UN, NATO, it's nice to meet you, I'm California, but you can call me Cali. These are San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Sacramento." She gestured to the four smaller ones behind her, they all waved hello to the newcomers.

"Hi, also how are you so calm after a gun got pulled on you?!"

"Eh, it's expected of Texas, plus it's normal for me to find my face near a gunpoint at least once a week, before you freak out, most of them were water, dart or bb guns." 

"Alright Cal, can you 5 notify everyone else that we have guests now?"

"Okay Papa, c'mon" she nudged a couple of her cities before they all went in separate directions.

"Sorry about all that, we don't have many guests over and a lot of my kids don't get along with one another so well, how about we sit down and I can explain a little." I lead them to the living room, some of the Capitals were in there chatting but nothing else. Once they sat down, they started to bombard me with questions, too many all at once.






"Woah, woah, woah, one at a time please."

"Sorry it's just... I never expected you to have kids is all."

"Yeah well, I'm called the United States of America for a reason, keyword being united."

"Wait, wait wait wait- you're a UNION?!" 

"Kind of, like I'm partially a country and partially a union, heck I may be more than that. I guess you could compare me a little to USSR." I grumbled after I said his name, god was he annoying and sadistic.

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