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I felt the soft rustling of the long grass as I trotted along the riverbank, the slow trickle of the water flowing down from the nearby mountain made me feel quite calm. The sounds of the birds and the trees, both leaves and branches, never cease to amaze me, each one different than the last even if it's only a little.

As I kept wandering precariously on the rivers edge, the sounds of a strange bird distracted me just enough to make me loose my footing and fall in. The water was really cold, it didn't help that I felt pain in my right arm. I lifted myself above the water's surface, for some reason I fell under, strange, it wasn't a deep river. Carefully I made my way to a rock to examine my arm, no blood, just scrapes and scratches, I was lucky.

"Damnit... I should've been more careful..."

"Yes, you should have."

I quickly turned around to see who had spoken, it was a tall man, not human or blank however. I couldn't clearly see his face, but he had a necklace on, and animal parts like most countries. For some bizarre reason, I trusted him, cared and maybe felt...


I awoke from my sleep slowly, eyes still shut, I was oddly comfortable, my nights are never this way. I shifted my position to get a little more cozy, wrapping an arm around something soft and comfy. I let out a slight and small purr, I felt more relaxed than ever in my life. My mind began to wake as well, but with that, I realized something, I never slept like this, ever.

As I opened my eyes, I looked around, I was in a bedroom, lying on an actual bed. I always slept on a couch or a cot, maybe even a makeshift sleeping bag if needed, and that is if I slept. I sat up slow, my body not wanting to move from the position I was in. I unwrapped my arms around what I now realized was a fluffy pillow, rubbing my eyes gently. 

The light from the rising sun shone a little through the window, the dust slowly floating though the air. The sounds of the early morning songbirds and the breeze blowing on the leaves made it feel very meditative. I slowly stretched out my wings, shaking them slightly, they were not as tense as usual. I looked over to my side, UN was still sleeping soundly, his snores small and mewl like, I softly chuckled when I heard them.

I looked down at my feet when I positioned myself on the side of the bed, hanging my legs down on the side of it, I had to bend them as they touched the floor long before I straightened them fully. My mind began to wander, heading back to the dream I had- wait what. I don't dream, not usually, and when I do, it's normally a nightmare, but that was a vivid, calming dream, as if it felt real. Perhaps it was because I was not in my usual dorm room currently, yes that must be it.

I got up and snatched my hat from the bedside table, UN must have put it there last night after I fell asleep. As I gazed at my surroundings, I quickly remembered that we were at America's house, right, the children, still processing that. My senses came to fully when I heard a thunk from outside the door, probably wasn't a good sound. I brushed my hair real fast before stepping out of the bedroom, three kids were in the family room, one was sitting on the floor and two others comforting them. They all turned to look at me when I stepped into the room, it was a bit awkward that they just stared, not saying anything.

I carefully stepped towards them, they inched back slightly, the one on the floor looking a little scared. I knelt down in front of them, getting a good look; the three had their own styles, one fancy, another revealing, and the third casual, and that was only counting their clothes. Even their looks were starkingly different from each other.

I gave them a gentle wave, unsure of what to do. The one in expensive clothes stood in front of them, glaring at me, the other two stood up behind them. 

A Shocking Secret-a Countryhumans storyWhere stories live. Discover now