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Matilda's pov:

this morning felt like what should have been a normal morning until now. i awoke and changed into a casual cream toned dress. i applied a spritz of my homemade rose petal water. i went into the bathroom and began brushing my teeth.

I waltzed down the stairs into the kitchen. i began packing a small picnic basket with some pastries for mine and Tewks usual morning breakfast at the park on our usual bench.

"Good morning mother." i greet my mother with a smile.

"morning darling." she replies.

i left the basket on the side and headed back up the stairs towards Tewks bedroom. i gently knock on the door.
"Tewks, come on wake up."
a few knocks later.
"Tewksbury bloody wake up im hungry."
i pound on the door for the last time before quickly entering.
"Nicholas Tewksbury, you better get u-"

i stop dead in my tracks. His bed is made neatly. everything is where it should be except he is not there. i let out a small gasp.
"Tewks" i call out incase he's playing some sort of game, hiding in his wardrobe or something, that sounds like something he'd do.

i rush out the room and down the stairs again.

"mother!" I yell, my head spinning in circles.

"what is it darling?"

"its Tewks, he's not in his room." Her eyes widen and her smile drops.

"what?!" she says in abit of a shout. she runs up the stairs with me chasing after her. i catch my breath as we get to the top, did i mention that these stairs are an absolute killer.

mother slams open Tewks door, no one to be seen. she stands still not moving a single muscle in pure shock.

"get your uncle." mother orders me. i felt like my feet were glued to the floor and my mind was in a completely different universe. i was knocked back into reality when my mother raised her voice,

without saying a word, i ran as fast as i could down the stairs almost tripping over. i ran straight into the living room to find my uncle reading the newspaper whilst smoking his pipe. i scrunch my nose up due to the horrible smell of his pipe. i hate that smell.

"uncle! Tewks is missing!"

"what do you mean missing?" he asks.

"he's not in his room. no note, his bed is made. you know what he's like he would never miss breakfast with me." i reply. uncle quickly rose to his feet, rushing to go find mother. i decide not to follow as i didnt want to go up those stairs for what felt like the 100th time.

i slumped down onto the sofa, i didn't feel any sadness because it just did not feel real. i mean he could have just gone for a walk or popped into town.

"we are off to the train station sweetie" my mother informs me leaving the house with my uncle and grandmother.

i fiddled with the sleeve of my dress, staring directly into the grandfather clock as the time ticks by. '7:55' it read. me and Tewks would have usually been at the park by now. many memories flashed back to me of Tewksbury and i.


"and this one is a marigold, they originated from mexico. they can grow between 6-48 inches! marigold flowers contain lutein, a substance that offers a whole lot of benefits to the human eye. isnt that amazing!" i held up the flower as a 12 year old me sat in front of 6 year old intrigued Tewks, leaning against a tree. "they symbolises beauty,creativity, and celebration of the dead, thats why i like to place them at daddy's grave."

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 // 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now