p2 four

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sherlocks pov:

"because i love you!" i shouted. i loosen my grasp around her waist and she turned to face me. what have i done. i mean i do love her but what if she doesn't love me back?

"w-what." is all she said looking at me in shock. i've messed up. i ran my hand over my face. before i could look up again i hear the front door slam shut.

i inhale deeply shaking my head. i turn around and kick the chair, that enola had been sat in this morning, over. i go to the bathroom and i lean over the sink with my hands either side.

i look into the small mirror on the wall and sigh. i turn on the tap and wash my face. i look back up and lean my head back suppressing my tears.

matilda's pov:

what i have i done? he's going to hate me. i was currently walking towards the park. i was heading towards my bench when all of a sudden i heard a familiar voice.

"tilly?" the voice said. i look up to see my brother in front of me. i smile widely to hide my sorrow.

"tewks!" i wrap him in a tight hug which he gratefully returned. he seemed like he was in abit of a rush. i chuckle and say, "you better get going, you seem like you're in a rush."

"oh um yes, are you alright matilda." he asks. i look up at him, he never really used my full name unless he was being serious.

"oh, me? yeah of course i am." i smile. he looks at me with a suspicious, questioning look. "you better get going."

"o-okay ill see you later then." he hug me again. "you know i love you."

those words again. it was easy to say them back to tewksbury why couldn't i do the same to sherlock? im such an idiot. "i love you too tewksbury."

he walks away waving as he does. i mime his actions and sit on the bench. i couldn't hold it any longer, tears began flowing. of course in that moment i had to hear another familiar voice.

"tills?" it was enola this time. "are you okay? whats the matter?"

"oh no, i-im fine enola." i smile at her wiping my eyes quickly.

"its abit hard to believe that when you're in that state." she raises her eyebrows.

"just a small disagreement with your brother again." i keep my eyes fixated on the river trying not to think about sherlock.

"it cant be that small if he's made you cry, where is that imbecile?"

"oh enola its fine i promise, we just need space for a bit." she looked to me worried.

"are you two going to part ways forever."

"no, no of course not." i let out a small chuckle. my words seemed to ease enolas worried expression.

enola looked in deep thought and pulled out the poem she had last night, mumbling to herself. i didn't bother listening in and i had zoned out staring at flowers in front of the river. i noticed tulips standing tall and swaying to the rhythm of the wind. they were always my favourite. sherlock would always bring me a bunch home every time he would be in his office late, as an apology for his lateness i suppose.

"white chapel, ahh!!" enola shrieks, ripping me out of my thoughts as i jump in surprise.

"enola, you nearly gave me a heart attack." i hit her arm like a mother would.

"the game has found its feet again. ah!!" she says standing up. i look at her confused. "im going to 28, bell place white chapel." she says to me."

"im gonna go into town so ill walk with you." she nods and holds on to my arm. we waltz into town. well enola waltzed i was being dragged along.

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 // 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now