p2 thirteen

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matilda's pov:

the nurse had finally checked over me to make sure it was okay to go home, and she explained to both me and sherlock how to change the dressing on my shoulder. once she had left i groaned slightly as i sat forward. sherlock quickly stood up placing a hand on my lower back, his hands stroking over my back length hair.

"be careful." sherlock said softly. "does it hurt?"

"obviously dimwit." i chuckled. he rolled his eyes sarcastically. he held my hand as i rose to my feet.

"behold she's risen." sherlock joked. i looked at him with a smirk and shook my head.

"come on lets get out of this place." we walked, well i sort of hobbled, through tall wooden double doors. i sighed happily as i felt a wave of fresh air. i felt the familiar presence of sherlocks standing next to me. i blinked a few times adjusting to the sun's illuminating rays.

i felt his fingers intertwine with my own. i tilted my head up slightly to look at him. every time i stared into his eyes it felt as if our hearts were entangled by invisible strings.

i smiled, looking away quickly as i chewed the inside of my cheek. the way he made me feel was intoxicating. "so where are we going now?"

"i was thinking to see enola." sherlock suggested. i nodded. for some reason i had a lot more energy than well ever.

"i'll race you." i raised a challenging brow. he shook his head quickly.

"you can't—" but before he could finish i was already taking off, i somehow went from hobbling to darting down the street. "matilda stop!"

sherlock raced after me, yelling for me to slow down. "catch me if you can, mister holmes!"

we reached probably 5 meters from where we originally were and i was already out of breath. "jeez im so out of shape."

sherlock caught up quickly after. "i told you not to run."

i just smiled sarcastically. i rub my shoulder slightly at the slight sharp pain.

he called a carriage and we stepped in. "i don't know if you heard when i spoke in the hospital but id like if we—you know teamed up. you're a genius so i suppose great minds think alike."

i chuckled. "yes sherlock. id love to help you." he kissed the side of my head.

when we'd finally arrived, sherlock stepped out first grabbing my free hand to help me out slowly. we walked straight upstairs of Edith's tea shop. i greeted edith as she carefully hugged me. when i turned back around sherlock was holding a newspaper, he showed it to me, the heading being: LORD MCINTYRE ARRESTED

i smirked at him. my brother is brilliant. we walked into enola's office going unnoticed as she typed away at her type writer.

sherlock dropped the paper against her desk catching her attention. "seems your boy has learned how to fight."

"indeed. hes not my boy." she finally looked up and gasped as she saw me. "matilda!"

i chuckled as she hurried to stand up. she embraced me in her arms lightly. "how's your shoulder."

"its okay, just in a little pain and im exhausted." i told her as she let go.

"you're only exhausted because you decided to sprint for no reason." sherlock accused as he shook his head.

i hit his arm lightly, "i was excited to see my little girl." i wink at enola as she rolled her eyes. i jumped to sit upon enolas desk.

sherlock chuckled as he picked up one of enolas flyers. "pay what you can." he read out. "and what will people pay you in? potatoes and gratitude?"

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 // 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now