p2 eight

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i awoke early morning before sherlock surprisingly. i crept out of bed. i slipped into a dress and sorted myself out before going to the kitchen to make the two of us breakfast.

as i buttered toast i felt a pair of arms snake round my waist. i looked up and chuckled as sherlock leaned his head into my neck.

"looks good." he says and lets go and sits at the table with a newspaper.

i place both our plates on the table and sit down. "remember im going to see edith today." i speak up as he nods his head folding up the newspaper.

"will you be back in time to come to the match factory with me?" he asks.

"yeah should be." i smiled. we both began to eat talking about anything and everything. everything felt normal once again.

after a while i was sitting on the sofa reading a book when i looked at the clock on the wall. it read '8:40'. i had to meet edith in 20 minutes. i shot up, walking to sherlocks study.

"im going to see edith now."

he looks up and smiles. we were both stood at the front door as i slipped my shoes on.

"be safe tilly. i love you." sherlock kissed my forehead. i smiled widely.

"i love you too." it felt so free to be able to say those words so easily. i opened the front door and waved back to sherlock as he watched me walk down the stairs. as i finally left the building he shut our door.

i waltzed to Edith's teashop and got there just on time. i opened the door and she was stood behind the counter cleaning a few glasses. i smiled widely as she indulged me in a hug.

"so whats the plan?" i questioned. a figure i had only met once, well besides the times they saw me as a baby, but whom istill recognised stood up beside me.

"matilda! its great to see you again." the voice spoke up. i turned around and smiled.

"eudoria. its great to see you too."

"how are you? how's you and sherlock?"

"im good. and we are good had our ups and downs lately but i guess thats all part of life." i smile.

"i still can't believe you two ended up together! i remember meeting you when you were just about learning to walk and i always said to your mother, imagine if you and him would meet in your own time. mothers always know." she taps the side of her nose as she says this and i chuckle. "talking of coraline. how is she?"

"she's good. i think she feels abit lonely now me and tewksbury have moved out."

"ahh ediths told me about enola and tewksbury." she continues.

"i have a feeling my little brother is in love." i chuckle, winking at her.

"alright, alright enough with the chitchat lets get to the plan." edith interrupts.

"steady on edith i know your eager for a fight." eudoria smirks.

"am not. i'd like to help enola." edith defends herself.

eudoria just chuckles and sits back down. we follow her actions sitting on the same table. "okay so first, i have let a lady in the prison know our plan and she is going to pre warn the others. apparently they have a sort of yard time and the policemen always pick on the new inmates and tries getting the other woman to teach them a lesson. so they circle them and do their thing but thats not going to happen." eudoria begins looking me in the eyes.

"the women will all cover their ears and hopefully enola will copy their actions if not shes going to regret it and will be shouting down her bloody earhole just so she can hear us." edith continues. i look to them both confused.

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 // 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now