p2 seven

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matilda's pov:

"tilda, tilly get up." sherlock shakes my arm. "matilda, get up enola's been arrested."

i shot up in bed. "what!?"

"just get up we need to go."

i quickly scrambled out of bed. i was in my underwear and wearing sherlocks dressing gown as i had no bother to change. it was still the middle of the night and as soon as i was ready to go sherlock grabbed my hand and we left the flat.

i could tell he was worried as he was chewing on his bottom lip. as we entered he held my hand tightly dragging me to follow his path with out stopping.

"sir? sir." a policeman tried to stop him.

"don't be ridi-" he was cut of by a cane slamming against the desk blocking his entrance. sherlock held me behind himself protectively. "superintendent grail."

the superintendent puts the end of his cane against sherlocks chest. "mr holmes, and-" he looks behind sherlock to me. his eyes dropping up and down obviously judging me. "lady matilda tewksbury."

"im here for my sister." sherlock sighed pulling me to his side away from the man as he walks us away slightly. "if you can arrange her release, i'd much appreciate it. she is my ward and a minor."

"and a murderer." grail adds. i look up to sherlock with wide eyes. i know enola can get into mischief and make mistakes but she wouldn't do anything as bad as that would she?

"any evidence you thing you have against her i can assure y-" shelock speaks against the man.

"i have plenty. she was seen arguing with the victim, following the victim, fighting with the victim, and lastly standing over the victim's dead body." i swallow realising this is about that girl she followed at the theatre. "and when we find her there, with blood on her hands, she bloody runs."

oh goodness. this can't be true enola would never.

"i saw your murder sight. marks on and around the door show that it was forced open, and recently. there were signs of scuffle and boot marks from three separate intruders. one of them heavyset, judging by the height and extent of the subsequent damage." sherlock begins pacing causing me to be paced with him. "traces of fabric and spots of blood suggests that there was another occupant, likely female, who seems to have fought back, using a sharp improvised weapon..."

i notice the policeman at the desk cover his hand with the other as sherlock says that. i squint my eyes at the man. "before escaping through the window. id say this was a targeted search and interrogation in which two women were dicovered, and then my sister arrived, and you were curiously fast to arrive after her. now, are you going to release her or shall i?"

grail just smirks. "sergeant beeston if you please."

"tilly go wait outside ill be out in a moment." sherlock tells me, i can tell he doesn't trust grail one bit. i obey and walk out the huge doors. i stand against the wall. it was late at night and as i was in a short sleeve night dress i was particularly freezing.

sherlock finally comes out however, he seemed in a bad mood. he stood infront of a small sign not bothering to look at me. he kicked the sign over and began walking expecting me to follow. i was praying his mood wouldn't effect the night we just had.

"sherlock wait!" i run to catch up with him. i stand infront of him making him stop. i dont say a word and just hugged him. "you're not alone, i promise she'll be okay."

i interwove our fingers and he leads the way. there was a comfortable silence, a simple glance is already a conversation.

i shivered slightly as goosebumps formed up my arms. sherlock said nothing and let go of my hand. before i knew it and instant comfort of the weight of his jacket hung over my shoulder.

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 // 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now