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later that day, me, tewksbury, mother and uncle were standing outside the parliament waiting for the vote. i wasnt going to be allowed inside to watch the vote. mother kept fussing over tewks fixing his collar and raking her hands through his hair.

"i look fine." tewksburys groans.

"dont fuss over him, caroline." my uncle says.

"please, mother."

"oh, can i just-"

"dont. im trying to have these men's respect. its quite the style, you know." tewks tells my mother.

"yes. i suppose it sets of your face nicely."

"especially now you're hairs short." i butt in ruffling his hair. he pushes me off and i giggle. " you're gonna do great."

"your father would be very proud of you." uncle tells him.

"oh tewks whats that?" i point to his chest and when he looks down i flick his face with my finger. i chuckle as he pushes my hand away.

"children, stop it." mother whines.  i look to my side and notice enola. i smile at her as does she. i elbow tewksbury in the side. he lets out a little 'ouch' and looks to me to say 'what do you want?'. i nod my head over to enola. he looks over and smiles. enola walks up to the gate and tewks does the same. watch from afar.

i whisper to my mother. "i think he may be inlove." she looks to me and smirks. i rub her arm and she wraps me in a side hug. my mother and uncle look away from them i do the same shortly after. after awhile tewksbury walks back over. i jog over to the gate towards enola.

"stay there and i will walk with you once hes gone inside. im not allowed in sadly." i laugh.

"okay." she smiles.

i walk back over and we walk futher into the grounds so i was near the open gate. mother and uncle walk abit further forward so i could speak to tewks.

"you know im so proud of you and always will be."
i tell him.

"i know." he replied. i smiled at him and put my hands on his cheeks.

"even though we wont have breakfast often together anymore." i chuckle slightly. i was upset about it but i didn't want to tell him.

"you have sherlock." he pokes my nose.

"shut up." i shake my head giggling. "you're gonna do amazing i know it. just keep you head up and remember all the things i told you to write down."

i smile widely at him. i bring him in for a hug. "i love you tilly." he whispers.

"i love you too tewks."

i hug my uncle and mother and walk out the open gate. i wave them off and walk round the wall to meet enola. she runs up to me and wraps me in a hug. i chuckle as she lets go.

"so how are you lady tewksbury?" she asks me as we set off.

"better than ever enola holmes." i smile.
we walk in comfortable silence. until we stop at a man handing out newspapers. enola takes a newspaper and says a small thank you. she looks through the personals. before going back over to the man.

"may i borrow your pencil?" she asks him. he hands her the pencil. "thank you."

"what are you up too?" i ask her. she doesn't say anything but carrys on writing things down. i decided to stay quiet, holmes's were quite stubborn, speaking from experience, cough cough, sherlock.

"meet me royal academy five tonight mother." she finally speaks up. i take a look at the newspaper.

"are you sure thats from your mother?" i ask her.

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 // 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now