p2 three

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i awoke the next morning and heard some commotion in the living room i quickly changed, brushed my teeth and hair before walking out the bedroom.

"what's going on?" i ask sherlock whispering as hes pacing in his blue dressing gown however, still wearing the same clothes as last night. he ignores me and speaks loudly.

"and why pray have you moved everything?"

she leans back on the chair she slept in which i must say must not have been comfortable bless her. i look to sherlock confused. "nothings moved sherlock." i say.

"nothing looks different to me either." enola agrees.

"nothing looks different? ev-" sherlock groaned and held his head. i glared at him and crossed my arms.

"your head is sore?" enola asks sarcastically.

"i can't think why." i continue. "maybe its because you were out last night drinking till you couldn't think straight?" i say my mood growing agitated.

"this is why i dont have people in my rooms other than matilda." he says changing the subject not daring to look me in the eye. "look what you've done. my papers are entirely out of order."

"you're case, it's vexing you." enola tells him. i sigh and sit down on the sofa. "seems to be an awful lot of question marks on that map of yours."

"you let her in there?" i felt his stare on the back of my head. i turned around to look at him.

"she didn't touch anything." i shrug, he shakes his head and grabs the last slice of dundee cake on the table that i had made a few days ago.

"dundee cake. door. i will see you again." he tells enola.

"is that why you're drinking?" enola asks standing up. i zone out of the conversation. until i hear enola question, "have you ever conidered a flat mate?"

"what for? i have tilly." i look up to them.

"well maybe for when you and tilly have your little disagreements and the flat mate can settle them?" she shrugs i smile shaking my head here. "but also to stop you descending into this." she motioned to the mess.

"yeah then maybe i can actually make the flat look nice and tidy without being told off." i glare at sherlock.

"strange. how those seeking advice often like to dispense it." he walks away.

"did i ask for advice? me and matilda found you on the street, drunk." enola says i smirk at her. i do love this girl.

they begin to play their petty little game and i dont bother listening to it until i hear sherlock say " and you neck is red. someone has gripped it or held a knife against.."

"what?!" i exclaimed standing up inspecting enolas neck. "why didn't to tell me?"

"are you involved in something dangerous? because you are still my ward. if you need my help my offer remains on the table." sherlock looks at her. "dont be so desperate to prove yourself enola."

i furrow my eyebrows and enola scoffs. "i am not desperate, and i dont need your or anyones help. even if i did tilly would be the first one id go to." i wink at her and smile.i loved hearing her say that, this past year she had become like a little sister me. she walks towards the door but stopping just before and taking the cake and a handkerchief of the table. "but this i will have."

she walks out the door and sherlock looks down. i stand there staring at him with my arms crossed. he knew what was about to go down.

"so... are you going to explain yourself then?" i ask him firmly.


"oh dont act oblivious sherlock. after what you said yesterday, i go out expecting to come home to you wanting to talk about it and it would all be okay. but no! instead me and your 17 year old sister find you highly intoxicated getting thrown out a pub. what were you thinking! you knew id end up coming home after the play had finished, what if i got here and realised you weren't, after what had happened with my brother id be terrified sherlock." i felt tears start to form in my eyes.


"no sherlock let me speak. your own sister had to drag you home last night, forget about me but your own sister! what if you had to get home on your own how would you do that in that state?" i was starting to loose my temper as he stood the and watched me "you never drink that much what has gotten to you?"

"im on a case tilly."

"you have told me that a thousand bloody time william sherlock scott holmes! you have barely spoken to me this week!"

"dont lose your temper." he tries to say calmly.

"oh so your allowed to but i can't?!! you're allowed to shout at me and say the wrong things, but i can't?!
you're allowed to go out and get absolutely drunk, but i can't?! you're allowed to throw glasses against walls and it end up me cleaning the mess up, but i can't?!" i motion towards where i had previously cleaned broken glass, sherlock turns round and looks down at his feet.

"i didn't say you can't but i dont want to see you upset!" he raises his voice slightly.

"well maybe you should of thought about that before saying those things to me! maybe you were right, maybe i should go home!" i walk towards the door but sherlock grabs my arm.

"no matilda." he says lowly.

"why not? you seemed quite fond of that plan last night!"

"well im not fond of it now i dont want you to leave matilda!" he shouts. the neighbours must hate us but in this moment i couldn't care less. i trying to wriggle out of his grasp on my wrist. but struggled more when he grabs me by my waist.

"why are are you all of a sudden switching up and caring about me now after this week?!" i shout as i continue trying to get away.

"because i love you!" he shouts. everything goes silent. i stop moving, he lets go of me and i turn to face him.

"w-what?" i look to him in shock

sorry for the cliffhanger guys. im very motivated today i wrote 3 chapters😭 do you guys want some drama next chapter or no cause idk what to do helppppp.

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