p2 six

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matilda's pov:

i was sat in my seat watching people dance when a figure approaches me, i recognised him from other balls. he smiles down at me. i furrow my eyebrows.

"will you sign my dance card lady tewksbury?" he asks me. he didn't seem like a great guy from recent occasions when he speaks to women.

"um- im sorry but i was just leaving." i lie to him and stand up going to walk away. he grabs my wrist and pulls me back to face him. abit closer that i'd like. i held my breath.

"oh come on, its just a little dance. it will be fun. then maybe i could take you home after." he winks at me creepily.

"um im not sure if you know but i am already in a courtship with a man." i tell him sternly trying to yank my wrist from his grasp however his grasp just tightened.

"i dont see him here." he whispers.

"unless you'd like me to shove your cane so far up your backside you forget your own name i suggest you let go."

"thats not a manner of speech suitable for a lady."
his eyes are directed behind me as a figure appears. william lyon.

"i suggest you let go before i throw you out." william speaks up. that man quickly lets go and hurries off. i turn around. he looks at me. "are you alright matilda?"

"i- i have to go thank you william. tell nicholas i've got home safe." it felt weird calling tewks by his real name as i was never really put in formal situations. i quickly ran out of the house before i end up bursting into a sob.

i held my wrist looking at the red mark the man had left. i hailed a cab quickly, there was only one place i could think of going.

"221 bakers street please."

i stepped out the carriage, i held up my dress slightly and walked up the concrete steps to the front door of the building placing my hand on the handle. i swallowed a lump in my throat.

i couldn't bring myself to enter so i just walked back down sitting on the last step in front of the small gate. the nights cold breath hit my bare skin sending shivers down my spine. i look at the stars that covered the london sky like a blanket. a full moon shone bright between two trees infront of me.

i sighed and wiped a single tear from my face. all the recent events properly hit me after tonight, my emotions were all over the place. i was angry at sherlock but also the man at the ball, i was sad because i miss sherlock and i hate how women are treated like objects, i pray that changes in the future. i regret not saying i love you back to sherlock and leaving tewksbury at the ball. and the worst of them all i was also starving i had barely eaten all day.

sherlocks pov:

i walked out of my study. i couldnt be bothered to make dinner i was to tired. mostly just sad. i went to the bedroom and changed into pyjama trousers and a white t-shirt. i walk to the kitchen. i grab a small glass out the cupboard and poured whiskey into it.

i downed the liquid quickly sending a soothing burning sensation down my throat. i leaned my hands against the side, putting my head down.

i brushed my teeth and laid down on the bed. it felt empty. i felt lonely for the first time.

i sighed and stood up and paced around the room a little usually it helps me think but i this time it didn't. i walked over to the window to shut the curtains. i stared at the full moon. the moon always reminds me of matilda.

i looked at the streetlights. then the trees. then the buildings. then the carriages passing by. then-...


i grabbed my dressing gown of the hook behind the door and wrapped it round me. i ran out my front door in socks, forgetting about my shoes.

matilda's pov:

i heard the big front door shut but i figured it would just be a stranger. until i felt a familiar comforting presence sit beside me. sherlock bloody holmes.

i didn't say a word. we both sat in silence. i sighed slowly. i just stared a the moon not bothering to look at him. i just felt regret. until he spoke up,

"the moons beautiful isn't it?"

i still didn't look at him even though i felt his gaze on the side of my face.

when he finally turned away with a sigh i spoke up.

"i love you too."

this time i turned to look at him and he just started at the floor.

sherlocks pov:

i sat down next to her. excited to finally see her. i dont know if she felt the same excitement. she looked dull. im not surprised im an idiot.

i look at her. studying each feature. however she stared infront of her.

"the moons beautiful isn't it?" i tell her praying she will say it back this time but if she doesn't i can just pretend i was complimenting the moon.

there was an awkward silence so i just looked forward again glumly sighing. i felt her repeat my actions staring at my side profile.

"i love you too."

my eyes widen a little. the four words i was waiting to hear. i kept my eyes on the floor and spoke up.

matilda's pov:

"im sorry matil-."

"lets go inside its cold." i cut him off as id rather talk inside. he stands up holding his hand out for me. i accept it and we walk up both the outside and inside stairs to the flat. he holds the door open for me and i sit on the couch.

"drink?" he asks.

"im fine." i reply.

he sits down on the couch beside me. we sit in silence once again. i fiddle with the lace on my dress.

"you look pretty." he smiles.

"thank you." i smile back slightly. "it was the lyon's ball. i left early."

"what why?"

"just got bored." i lie.

"hm" he squints his eyes at me. he could tell i was lying but just left it.

"i really am sorry matilda. i didn't mean to say those things. i regretted it so much, thats why i went to the pub, i didn't expect to get that drunk i just wanted to forget what i said." i watch him intently listening to every word.

"im sorry too. im sorry for getting angry at you. and im sorry for walking out after you told me you love me. i love you too, i really do, i was just angry and confused."

"you dont need to apologise. you had every right to be angry. i know I've been so distant lately. i can make it up to you. how about i take you out for dinner tomorrow night." he replied placing his hand on my thigh.

"id like that." i smile at him. "hows your case going then?"

"i think i've figured more out."

"that great." we stare at each other. it was peaceful eye contact that i could hold forever. "i-..."

sherlock interrupted me by grabbing my cheeks and cut off the gap between us. our lips moulded together perfectly. my hands raked through his dark curls. neither of us pulling away for a breath. we both stood up still clutching on to eachother making our way to the bedroom.

i had finally said it. now hopefully everything will go back to normal.

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