p2 fourteen

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sherlock walked over and sat beside dr watson, i chose to sit on a small chair next to the sofa. "so, what exactly did this young lady tell you?" sherlock asked.

"well she told me, you and your wife-" dr watson began.

"oh, we aren't married yet." i smiled.

"oh i see, excuse me. well she told me the both of you were looking for a flatmate."

"she must be mistaking we—" sherlock began, though i quickly interjected.

"um yes, we are. we just need someone to help cover the rent and for company so sherlock can have a friend." i smiled. sherlock stared at the side of my head slightly dumbfounded.

"i have friends!" he said sounding slightly offended. i snapped my head round to meet his gaze and i raised my brows.

"oh really? like who?" i asked.

sherlock paused just staring at me. "well, you."

"people other than me." i sighed.

"i do have friends." sherlock argued.

"children, children. lets not argue about friends." watson intervened before i could argue back.

the two of us looked back at watson, slightly shocked. i reapplied my genuine smile. "your room is just there. it has furniture and new bedding already." i pointed towards a door.

"thank you." watson smiled and walked over to the room. once he entered sherlock whipped his head towards me.

"were you in on this with enola?" he asked. i smirked and stood up from my seat. i spoke no words, just tapped the side of my nose and walked to the kitchen. i saw sherlock shake his head from the corner of my eye and stand up.

i looked into cupboards to see what i could make for dinner, until i felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. i leaned my head back to look at sherlock, he reached one arm up to shut the door i had opened. i furrowed my brows till he spoke up. "why don't we go out to eat? get to know our new flatmate?"

"you're not mad at me?" i asked.

"i can never be mad at you tilda." sherlock sighed. i grinned like a mad woman turning round to face him, his hands not moving from their position.

"did you know i miss you in french is 'tu me manques'?" i spoke.

"yes, i did." sherlock said confused.

"but they don't really say 'i miss you', it's closer to 'you are missing from me.' and i think thats cute." i said excitedly.

sherlock smiled as he listened to my random fact. "i also think thats cute."

"its sort of like describing someone as essential to your being, like they can't function without someone." i continue. "i feel like that about you."

"i feel that way about you too, tilly." sherlock leaned down placing a peck on my lips.

"come on we better check on watson." i said patting his back, releasing myself from his grasp. i walked out the room, sherlock slowly trailing behind.

when i reached his room i gave the door a light knock waiting to hear a faint 'come in'. and when i did i opened the door. "me and sherlock wondered if you'd like to go out for dinner later?"

"that would be lovely." watson asked. i smiled and nodded, shutting the door again to let him continue unpacking.

that night the three of us spent it filled with laughter and learning things about the other like telling watson the story of how i'd hurt my arm, sherlock and john got on very well which made me happy for sherlock.

———————(a few weeks later)

i had taken sherlock and watson to my park bench. they were sat chatting to one another and i was stood by the river feeding the ducks that swam happily eating the bread id thrown. a few nervously waddled round me, i held my hand out with a piece to try and get one to come to me. my arm was finally out of sling however it was still a few more days until id have my stitches taken out.

i sighed as i leaned on my knees attempting to lure a duck towards me. "for goodness sake, stop
provoking the ducks tilly." sherlock called.

"they're cute." i called back turning my head to the bench. i stood up throwing the last pieces of bread to them and walked over to the two men.

"it would be pretty difficult to catch one tilly, but you could try, they are fast little buggers." watson teased. i rolled my eyes sarcastically at him.

i stood in front of the bench, "when i die i want my name right there." i motioned to the middle of the bench, attempting to create a small rectangle with my fingers.

"ill write that down." sherlock smirked. i spun round to sit in the middle of the pair, my hand landed on sherlocks thigh. the three if us sat in comfortable silence for a moment till i spotted two familiar faces.

i grinned standing up quickly, my hand on sherlocks thigh pushing myself up. one of the faces squealed as they spotted me too.


she ran over to me wrapping me in a hug. "i missed you!" she said.

"the two of you saw each other a few days ago." tewksbury scoffed sarcastically. 

"a few days too long ago." i replied, moving to hug him. sherlock and watson had travelled over by now, sherlock given enola a brief hug.

"its nice to see you again dr watson." tewksbury shook his hand.

"you too tewksbury."

the four others gave each other a look, like they were communicating with their eyes. i stood puddled in confusion but before i could question it enola took my arm. "hey tills, why don't we go down to that art shop you love?"

"oh um, yeah sure." i looked at sherlock who just smiled and kissed the top of my head. i sighed and followed beside enola. once we were out of earshot if the others i took my chance, "what in the world was that?!"

"what was what?" enola asked acting oblivious.

"you know what."

"im not sure i do, explain."

i shook my head at the younger girl. "gosh perhaps you should apply for a job at the stag antlers enola. you know what i mean, that talking with all your eyes secret communication thingy."

enola burst out laughing, struggling to walk in a straight line. "i seriously think you're seeing things tilly."

i groaned, dropping the subject creating new conversation on our way into town.

a/n: i've finally posted another chapter, sorry it's kinda a short chapter, i have no ideas what to do lol. sherlock and tilly are so cute it makes me sick😭 anyways THANK YOU for 26k reads i could literally eat you all, ily guys so much!!!!

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