P2 seventeen

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(6 months later)

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(6 months later)

Today was the day. The day i became mrs Holmes.

I was currently sat in my childhood bedroom, staring at the dress that hung nicely on my wardrobe with a soft smile spread across my face. Sherlock and I had decided to have our ceremony at basilwether, in my front garden where me and Sherlock had our first kiss.

I looked up as my mother knocked on the door before entering, she sent me a sweet smile that I naturally returned. I felt a dip in my bed as she sat next to me.

"Excited?" She asked.

I nodded as my grin grew. "Very."

"Shall we get you in that dress then." She suggested. I stood up and unhooked the dress, laying it carefully where I previously sat.

I slipped off my night dress into the white fabric, staring intently at my mirror. As I slipped the straps over my shoulder, I felt my mother's familiar hands caress my back as she zipped my dress. It was nostalgic, when I was a child she'd zip up my ball gown or my church dress, id always giggle at her ice cold hands on my bare back. And now here I was, standing in my wedding dress.

I heard soft sniffles as i snapped out of my haze. I whipped my head round, my mother's eyes were glossed by a puddle of tears. I quickly wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm okay, im okay." My mother chuckled as she pulled away.

"You're gonna start me off." I wiped away her stray tears. She stepped over the bed and grabbed a box which i didn't even notice she had in the first place.

"Your father bought this for you, just before you were born. He promised himself that he would give it to you the day he gave you away to the love of your life." She took a deep breath, suppressing her tears. "But since, you know, I thought I should still give it to you."

She handed me the box and I slid the lid off gently to reveal one of the most precious things I'd ever seen. It was a silver chain with a small pendant. It was a pink lotus flower. My father's favourite flower.

I let out a soft gasp and put a hand over my mouth. I felt water begin to collect at the lid of my eyes, i let those salty streams fall. Luckily i hadn't started my makeup yet, my mother handed me a tissue and i gratefully accepted.

"It's beautiful." I whispered as i carefully removed it from the box. I handed it to my mother and she placed it round my neck, joining the clasp that I knew would never be undone as if it was fused together.

My mother peered at the clock that hung on the wall which seemed to radiate a burst of energy. "Oh look at the time, come on let's get your hair and make up done."

I nodded and sat at my vanity as my mother applied each product to my face and pinned up my hair. I opened my eyes and stared into the mirror before me. I let out a sigh of approval and a huge grin played on my face.

I stepped back and admired my entire figure. I felt like a princess.

"You ready?" My mother asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied as I took her arm that she offered me. We headed out my bedroom and towards the grand staircase. I saw Tewksbury's eyes widen as he waited at the bottom. Since our father passed I had always said to Tewksbury he'd be the one to give me away, and that's what he'll do.

I let go of my mother's arm and gripped Tewkesbury's, he handed me a bouquet of tulips. My mother and uncle followed us close behind.

I took a deep breath as two servants opened each front door. I could see rows of seats filled with eyes that pounced on me. Down the cobblestone path was a flower arch which Sherlock and a vicar stood beneath, I noticed familiar faces in my peripheral vision. Including one I was actually surprised to see. Mycroft holmes.

As we traveled down the path, I could see tears rolling down Sherlocks cheeks no matter how quick he attempted wipe them away.

When we reached the arch, I handed my flowers to Tewksbury and gave him a peck on the cheek
He placed my hand in Sherlocks before he went to sit down beside enola.

The smile that never left my face seemed to grow wider as I looked up at my soon to be husband. I felt my eyes prickle with tears but soon enough blinked them away.

"You look absolutely beautiful." Sherlock whispered as the vicar began his speech.

I laughed and gripped his hands. "So do you."

As she finished up our vowels the vicar asked, "William Sherlock Scott Holmes, do you take Matilda Caroline Lillian Tewksbury to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Sherlock smiled as he slipped a sliver ring above my engagement ring.

"And do you, Matilda Caroline Lillian Tewksbury, take William Sherlock Scott Holmes to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." I agreed slipping Sherlocks ring onto his finger.

"You may kiss the bride." The vicar announced.

I smirked as I looked at Sherlock and held up dress sprinting down the pathway. People looked slightly confused, so did Sherlock until i yelled, "catch me if you can, mister Holmes!"

Sherlock instantly grinned and ran after me, he chased me around the garden before we ended up back at the top of the path near the front doors. Everyone faced us as i teased Sherlock, the pair of practically already having our first dance.

I finally gave in and Sherlock picked me up and spun me around. He attached out lips, it felt like our first kiss all over again, so did any other kiss.

Our families and friends cheered as he gracefully put me down. That night was spent with family and friends, laughing till we thought we'd die, cake, and just love.

It was late in the evening when me and Sherlock snuck away to a place we always end up. The park bench.

"I can't believe I'm married to the man I met on this bench." I said.

"I'm just happy I chose to sit here." Sherlock responded as we shared a kiss.

Well now you know what happens when a man whose face is always at the front of newspapers sits next to me one morning.

Woah i can officially say this book is finished. I'm going to miss it, but I do think it was pretty cringe im not the best writer😓 I thank everyone who has read, voted and commented on this book. I appreciate you all. Now I'm going to pray there's an enola holmes 3 🤞🏻 I do love this fandom so much so if you see another enola holmes book from me, it's not unlikely. Thank you all💗

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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