p2 fifthteen

630 13 6

me and sherlock were lying in bed, my head resting on sherlocks chest as i drew circles with my finger. sherlock focused on a book he was holding above my head and we were wrapped in a comfortable silence, until my brain gave me the idea to ask sherlock about this morning.

i abruptly stopped tracing my fingers laying my hand flat on his chest so i could lift my head up to look at him. he eyed me suspiciously, his brows slightly furrowed.

"soo..." i began.


"what was this morning all about?"

"what do you mean?" sherlock asked continuing to stare at the small print of his book.

"you know, when the four if you looked at eachother weirdly almost like you were simultaneously having strokes then enola abruptly dragged me away from you boys."

sherlock let out a breathy laugh as he closed his book, placing it on the beside table. "i still don't understand, my love."

i rolled her eyes. "yes you do. i see you smirking." sherlock couldn't hold back a smile, stroking his hand through my hair. "see you are hiding something."

i poked his chest making him laugh. "no, im not."

"yes, you are."

"no, im not."

"yes, you are. so tell me." i smiled at him sweetly trying to get my way.

"yeah, yeah you're cute, but stop smiling at me like that." sherlock said.

i huffed laying my head back on his chest. "you do know im also a detective."

"i know, and you wont find anything because im not hiding anything. even if i was i wouldn't tell you." sherlock grinned.

i lifted my head back up to look at him, i rolled my eyes sarcastically. "i hate you."

"no you don't."

"i know." i smirked.

sherlock placed a hand on my cheek pulling my face closer towards him so he could plant a kiss on my lips.

"i need to go finish my work from last night." he said as he pulled away.

"no, you have to stay with me." i whispered.

"if don't get it done then im gonna have even more to do tomorrow."

"why what are you doing tomorrow?" i asked furrowing my brows.

"work." he simply replied as he stood up from the bed.

"i thought you weren't working tomorrow?"

"its only for a bit, at the office." he replied.

"its cold now." i groaned. sherlock picked up a blanket from the floor throwing it onto me. and when i say that, i don't mean nicely laying it on top of me, rather scrunching it into a ball and throwing it at me.

i sighed hugging into the blanket as he walked out laughing, though i couldn't stop my smiling sprouting.

10 minutes later i was standing up from the bed wrapping the blanket around myself. i walked out the door of our bedroom to see watson asleep on the sofa with a few books sprawled out around him. i crept past towards sherlocks study.

i knocked on the door lightly before entering to see sherlock writing down notes on a piece of parchment. he looked up with a smile that i could just melt at the sight of.

"i cant sleep." i told him.

"come here then, you can sit in my lap till i'm done."

i grinned, stepping over to him. he moved his chair out slightly so i could squeeze in, moving it forward again once i sat comfortably on his lap. i looked down at the notes he had written about his latest case.

i rested my elbow on the desk, as Sherlock looped his right hand around my arm to continue writing, his other laid on my thigh.

"watsons passed out on the sofa." i said.

"i know, i saw him." sherlock snorted.

we sat like that for a while, sherlock writing notes, me looking through them and giving him a few pointers and ideas about clues. this case was about a burglary of a small independent shop. however a little old dear was so worried, she convinced sherlock to do as much as he could.

sherlock high fived me. "we make a pretty great team."

"we do indeed." i agreed. i turned my upper body to to peck him on the lips.

sherlocks pov:

matilda turned back around, resting her head back on my shoulder as i continued writing things down.

after around 15 minutes later, i finished up but noticed tilly was slightly quiet. i looked at her to see sleeping, and that her body had moved to sit sideways as if she was a sleeping baby. i smiled at her beautiful features.

i carefully wrapped my arms around her picking her up bridal style. i walked back to our bedroom with her in my arms, placing her on our bed. i left the blanket that was already wrapped around her and pulled the duvet over her. i kissed her forehead and travelled into the living room where watson was still sleeping.

i gently shook him awake and helped him pick up his books. he shut the door to his bedroom as i did too shortly after. i crept to the other side of the bed slipping into the sheets.

i shuffled carefully closer to tilly. wrapping my arms around her, nuzzling my head into her neck.

"i love you." i whispered even though she couldn't hear me, i always believed the words would reach her through her dreams.

i can't wait for tomorrow.

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 // 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now