p2 nine

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"that was brilliant!" i giggle skipping along.

"good thing i never valued my pelvis." dora groans. "how about you, edith? how are the kidneys?"

"fine, i quite enjoyed it." edith smiles.

"hm. you enjoy everything. its most irritating." eudoria replies.

"come on this way. better get a move on." edith says.

i walked along behind eudoria and enola. eudoria looks to enola, " so um hows that useless boy of yours? tillys brother?" i quickly skipped up beside enola smiling as dora continued. "i hear he's doing good work."

"he is." enola replies.

"well then perhaps not so useless after all."

"i wouldn't say he's my boy." enola says.

"i see the way you look at him enola." i wink at her and dora grins.

"you know, i sometimes think i brought you up to be too independent. i did it with all of you. you, sherlock, mycroft. strong, formidable, individual children but well perhaps a little lonely." dora adds. i chuckle knowing it was indeed true, sherlock was a very independent person. "you will do very well on your own enola. but with others you could be magnificent."

"perhaps you should write that down enola." i nudge her.

"who do you think organised all of this after all? hm? me?" dora continues.

edith held my hand and i did the same to enola.

"come on enola and tilda should go." edith says. eudoria continues to talk to enola as we come to a standstill. i give edith a long hug and then to eudoria. we bid farewell and i grip on to enolas hand.

we began walking away. dora calls out, "tilda look after enola and sherlock for me." i look back and nod my head with a smile. "and enola, get a haircut. its a mess."

"i think my hair is fine." she whispers to me. i chuckle as we continue walking looking back to wave one last time.

as we reach london it begins to get dark. i realise i need to get back for sherlock.

"im going to see bessie. are you going to come?" enola asks.

"i havent got time sorry enola. i need to get back for sherlock." i reply. she gives me a smirk and i hit her arm. "oi not like that."

she hugs me tight and we go our separate ways. i make my way back to bakers street. i realise i hadn't seen my mother in a while so i must arrange something soon. i had been so busy. i had been working a few shifts at the florist shop in london just to get out the house more. although i hadn't been to the park bench in a while.

as i arrived at the flats i make my way up the stairs. i open the door to see sherlock in the kitchen. i sneak in and snake my hands around his broad figure. he jumps a little but soon realises who it was. he spun round grabbing my chin bringing his lips to mine.

it was a short sweet kiss but every single one ment the world to me. he hugged me tight and turned back around.

"i made dinner." he says.

i smile. "what is it?"

"spaghetti and meatballs." he tells me.

"that seems to be the only thing you're able to make." i chuckle.

"yeah, well you love it." he laughs. we both sit at the table with a glass of red wine and eat our meal.

"i can't deny its always delicious this is." i smile. he smiles back proudly.

"we need to go in about 15 minutes." he informs me. "i was studying and you really are a genius matilda. that is exactly how he got her finger prints."

i chuckle and tap the side if my nose proud of myself.

"how was your day with edith?" sherlock looks at me.

i bit my cheek knowing i had to lie. "it was brilliant. your mother was there too. we had coffee and chatted most of the day."

he raised his eyebrows at me suspiciously.

20 minutes later we arrived at the match factory. we both slipped through the door. we took in our surroundings.

"look here sherlock." i motioned over to the collected dust off the matches. suddenly the sound of footprints grew closer. sherlock dragged me behind a wall holding me close but as he did so i bumped into a table making a loud crash.

the footsteps grew louder and louder. sherlock warned me to wait where we were as he went to see what it was.

i heard familiar shouts and rushed to see what was going on. i notice enola being flipped over by sherlock and he held a mallet in the air. "sherlock!" i shout worried he was going to hit her not realising it was enola.

he sighed. "you." the siblings said in unison.

sherlock stood up throwing the mallet to the side.
"how ridiculous you are." enola says.

"im ridiculous? i told you to stay safe and stay away. now you're breaking out of prison and have the whole police force after you." sherlock whimpers slightly holding his back.

"oh. are you hurt? i am sorry." enola says. i chuckle and sherlock glares at me, i give him a cheeky grin.

"are you not hurt?" he replied. "how did you escape anyway?"

enola looks to me. sherlock spins around raising his eyebrows. i look to the floor to hide my smile. he just shakes his head and i knew he was going to ask me about it later.

"well i wonder you taught you to fight like that. another thing our mother has to answer for." sherlock continues.

"she should have fed me as well as you is what i think."

i burst out into a fit of laughters. "sorry." i manage to say.

"hang on. why are you here? is it my case or your own?" enola asks.

"both. thanks to my lovely tilda here, she's figured out how grail got your fingerprints." he grabs enolas arm placing her had in the dust and printed it onto paper. "oxidized phosphorus dust lifted from the table and applied to the knife. you're innocent."

"you doubted it?!" enola bellowed.

"nothings certain till its proved." he says and i kick his foot. he ignores me and i wonder around the room looking at the different things. i picked up a match inspecting it. i could hear sherlock and enolas voices but i blocked them out by distracting myself.

as i continued reading a box of matched i feel a familiar hand drag me away. sherlock interlocked our fingers and travelled to a ficeplace lit room.

"where are we going?" i asked obliviously.

"just follow tilly." sherlock ordered.

sorry this chapter was a short one lol. i hope you are enjoying this book i thank you for 3k reads i never expected it i appreciate it so much.
- evie ♡︎

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