p2 eleven

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we were travelling to the theatre, tewks and enola sat inside and me and sherlock next to the driver. sherlock sat in the middle looking straight ahead with a determined expression on his face. his arm wrapped comfortably around my waist and my head lent on his shoulder.

"we are going to be okay, right?" i ask still looking forward. "us, i mean. after this case will we be okay?"

he looked down. "of course, why wouldn't we be?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"i just...well i don't know, we've argued more than ever before. i know that we are okay now but i get how stressed you can be, and we never know what the next case could be." i admit avoiding eye contact, fiddling with my sleeve.

"tilda, we will be fine. i was actually wondering if
you would help me on future cases when i need it."

"me? why?" i look up to confused.

"you're incredibly intelligent matilda, you may not see it but you are. and also id get to see your pretty face more often during a case." we chuckled lightly.

"but i thought you liked working alone?" i questioned.

"with the exception of you id dislike any assistant." he replied. "and you're my love how could i resist you?"

i smiled at him and he kissed my forehead. the smallest actions can mean the world.

"of course ill help you." i spoke.

"thats my girl." he smirked.

i chuckled. "you're an idiot."

"i love you too." he replied laughing. he pecked my lips and i put my head back against his shoulder. he rubbed circles against my back lazily.

we heard giggling coming from inside the carriage.
"he likes her alot you know."

"who?" sherlock questioned. i rolled my eyes at how oblivious he was.

"tewks. he loves her. it can be quite annoying though, shes all he talks about." i laugh lightly. sherlock stayed quiet.

"he means well, he's a good boy. he would take good care of her no matter how independent she is." i say trying to convince sherlock.

"i know." is all he replied with. he knocked on the carriage behind. "we're approaching."

tewksburys pov:

"i cant stop." enola laughed in front of me. it was contagious and also mesmerising in a way.

"we're approaching." we hear sherlock say.

we were both breathing heavily, our eyes caught each others. her eyes were like sunlight through a bottle of whiskey, her lips tinted like pink tulips. every feature seemed to draw me closer.

she confidently grabbed the collars of my coat pulling me forward. our lips carefully latched on to each others.

"i may need more of those lessons." i said as we parted. we both snickered.

matilda's pov:

we had finally arrived and the carriage came to a stop. sherlock insisted on getting out first to help me. so he stepped over me and onto the cobblestone floor reaching his hand out for me to take.

i held his hand as i jumped down. our hands stayed tangled together as he opened the carriage door for the younger ones. i noticed tewks looked far more happier than he did earlier. i smirked to myself knowing something must of happened.

we walked through a tall stage door which led us into the theatre straight onto the stage. i gripped sherlocks hand tightly as enola led the way.

"stay by me." sherlock whispered to me. i nodded. we all stood on the stage looking around the theatre.

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 // 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now