p2 sixteen

427 13 5

sherlocks pov:

"Tilda, Tilly. Wake up." I gently shake matilda awake. She stirs before fluttering her eyelids open. She squinted as she adjusted to the light that beamed through a gap in the curtains.

"Its too early." She groaned. Her voice was raspier than usual, i always loved her voice in the mornings.

"Come on get up. Before i tickle you." At my threat she shot up as quick as possible. She stood to her feet and i let out a chuckle.

"Come on, we are going down to the office." I tell her.

Tilly nodded. "Want me to make some breakfast?"

"No, no we can eat there." I tell her. She gives me a confused look to which i smile.

I look in our wardrobe and pick out a random dress for her to wear to get her to quicken her pace at getting ready. She accepts it and slips out of her nightgown. I couldn't help but admire her figure, each of her curves made me fall deeper in love.

Once we were ready to go i led her down the stairs towards the large front door.

Matilda's pov:

Sherlock gripped my hand as he led the way to the office. His grip was abnormally strong as if he was excited for something. I gave him a confused look to which he brushed off.

As we approached the office, I expected Sherlock to stop but he didn't. He kept hold of my hand and passed it. "Sherlock we've gone passed it."

"I know." He said with a grin. "Just follow me."

I stared at him slightly dumbfounded but obliged. We were walking a little longer till i began to recognise the route. I smiled wearily, "are we going to the park bench?"

Sherlocks grin grew as we traveled down a path. A few more feet of walking and we arrived. My eyes widened as I was met with the bench covered in a blanket and a few of my favourite flowers, also a basket filled with fruits and pastries. "Oh my goodness, Sherlock it's wonderful."

"I knew you'd like it." He replied as i wrapped my arms around him. I released him and pecked his lips before walking over and sitting down upon the decorated bench. Sherlock sat on the other side of the basket and carefully took out the contents inside, placing the basket on the floor.

I smiled as he handed me a pastry. "Thank you."

I took a bite and sighed at the delicious flavour. We continue to share a beautiful breakfast followed laughs and kisses. It felt so peaceful to finally be settled down with the man of my dreams enjoying breakfast on a bench that I have sat on my entire life.

As we finished up I stood up and started to pick a few things off the floor that had accidentally fallen, placing them back into the basket.

As I turned back around, as if this morning couldn't get any better, I was met by the sight of Sherlock kneeling down on his left knee. A box containing the most precious ring sat in his hands. I let out a gasp, my hand darting straight to my mouth, and i wobbled backwards slightly.

"My Matilda. I have loved you since the day I sat next to you on this bench. It was your smile. The first time I saw it I knew it was a sight that I wanted to see for the rest of my life. I know you may call me Shakespeare each time I give you a long speech, but every word is one you deserve to hear." Sherlock began. I let out a soft chuckle as my cheeks were already stained in happy tears.

"That day I met you, felt as if it was a normal day. But oh Tilly, what a plot twist you were. And the most beautiful part of it all is I wasn't even looking when I found you. Darling, you made me feel the things I could not believe in. So Matilda, may I take your hand as we guide each other through every course of life as one? Marry me, Tilly?"

I didn't even bother wiping away tears that had fallen. "It would be my pleasure Sherlock."

Sherlock grinned and stood up quickly picking me up and spinning round, I giggled and he carefully put me down. He took the ring out the box and gently slipped it on my ring finger. I gripped his face and kissed him, it was full of love and joy.

As this happened I heard clapping and cheers in the distance. I looked around to see, my brother, enola and Watson walking towards us with huge smiles on their faces. Tewksbury ran straight towards me and wrapped me in a hug. I chuckled as enola ran to me as soon as he let go.

Watson gave me a quick hug as tewks and enola hugged Sherlock. Sherlock pulled me into his side and smiled down at me.

"Well this gives us an excuse to all have dinner together tonight." I said and everyone agreed. Sherlock kissed the top of my head, this was in fact the best day of my life so far.

Sorry this chapter took so long to come out, but it finally happened they're engaged!!!! Im not sure if this is going to be the last chapter yet but just a pre warning that new ones may take a while as I'm running out of ideas and am focusing on my stranger things book a bit more, so hopefully eh3 will come out soon lol. AND A HUMONGOUS THANK YOU FOR 40K READS!!💞💞

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