p2 two

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we enter the theatre and i look round smiling widely. nostalgia hitting me with every glance. a voice sounded infront of us.

"hello dearies, have you both got your tickets?" he asks. enola turns to me nervously, i wink at her and reach into my pocket. pulling out 2 tickets that were ment for me and sherlock but oh well plans change. i hand the tickets to the man and he inspects them then smiles and lets us through.

we stand in and empty spot in the crowd. my hands were sweating slightly from the nerves of being in a crowd. i shook it off and looked to enola to distract myself.

"who were you following?" i say loud enough for her to hear me but not loud enough for others to.

"Bessie's sisters friend." i look to her confused.

"who's bessie?" i ask.

"the girl who came to my office earlier." im make a kind 'ohhh' face. "i'll tell you more later."

i nod my head and the show begins to start. a lady swings over our heads, peoples eyes and heads follow the girl. a few gasps and laughs can be heard when she swings. everyone claps as she lands back on the stage. the show goes on and as the actors went to change, enola taps me on the shoulder.

"meet me outside in 5." she says quickly before running off backstage. i watch her confused but happily obey as it was very warm in the theatre and i needed fresh air. i step outside and sigh as the cool breeze hits my warm skin. i lean against the wall beside the door.

enola makes her way out and looks around for me. i notice her and walk over as we both stroll through the streets.

"find anything?" i ask her. she shows me a piece of parchment and pens it ip beginning to read it.

"as we two ate the fruit of love..."

"the fruit of love?" i question.

"ugh." enola sighs disgustedly. i giggle at her reaction. "a bell did ring in the sky above."

she carries on. "so wander that place with its blossoms white. a chapel awaits us out of sight."
i look to her confused. although the poem was quite cute i didn't understand what it had to do with whatever case she was investigating.

"and a poppy....is that his name? why did she leave? did she run away with this fellow? or is she running from him? i hope its the latter. his poet is extremely bad." enola questions to no one in particular.

"who are we talking about here?" i ask her. then enola continues to tell me the story of bessie and her missing sister. sarah chapman. my eyes widen at the name. we would see each other in the park sometimes. id always carry spare change to give to her to help her out abit as i knew her situation and how she lives. we would speak alot whenever we saw eachother.

"sarah chapman?" i say in shock.

"you know her?" enola asks.

"well yes we'd see eachother alot and id help her out by giving her some money if she needed it. i knew i recognised bessie at your office." i worried a little. "oh goodness i do hope she'll be okay."

enola rubs my arm and we continue walking. as we are walking i hear the pace of a metal tapping sound quicken. i turn around to see no one and the sound stops. as i turn around it starts again. i feel enola grip my hand.  this time we both turn around with our fists up as the sound got obnoxiously closer. the sound stopped and i grab enolas hand rushing off.

both of us were continuously turning around until we were stopped dead in our tracks by a familiar body being thrown out of a pub.
"be away with you boy." a man shouts throwing the figures cane. we stand and watch the man who had not noticed us yet try to get up slowly. he grunted trying to gain his balance.

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 // 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now