Chapter 2 (Eat Fish)

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The restaurant smelled exactly like that, fish. The smell of it just made me want to throw up. I don't even like fish and Lindsey knows this, but I still agreed to go to that stupid restaurant. Turns out, It was actually a Chinese buffet place.
But their specialty was, of course, fish. All types of fish. Like pink salmon, cod, mackerel, you name it. But I hate fish. And I told Lindsey this. So why would she pick a restaurant with a menu she knew I'd hate?
I stumbled out of the car. Slightly falling everywhere because of my pink heels. I don't know why, but I decided to wear a pink dress, pink heels and pink clips that pulled back my hair. I threw my fluffy pink purse over my shoulder and walked inside.
Lindsey sat in the entrance. She was giggling with Torri, Amber, and Sofia. They were all friends I had before I moved. I walked over to them and smiled.
"Avery! Oh My God, I didn't see you walk in!"Lindsey's blond curls bounced ever so slightly as she got up and gave me a hug. Torri whispered something to Amber and Sofia, and they all laughed.
I sashayed over to them. "What's so funny?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. I expected some type of answer, but instead, I got Amber waving her hand at me as if it was nothing to worry about.
I was about to say something more, but then Lindsey's declared we take our seats. I sat down brugidlny and tried to look happy, but Torri and Amber started laughing again. It was about something that they were looking at on their phones, and I could no longer sit still and not say anything. The way they were looking and pointing at me made me mad.
I lifted my eyebrows at them and said, "What?" But, again, they just flicked their hands and said it was nothing. I decided to get up and get my food since seeing them talk about me then lie about it to my face was enough to make me want to throw up.
I saw a group of teenagers by the ice cream stand. They were arguing about ice cream while shoving their hands into the glass case. A boy and girl were holding hands, I guess they were together. My friends and I were like that too, except we were popular. Every move we made was watched, critiqued, and reported back to the highest bidder.
There is a hierarchy. Smart, athletic, and pretty were at the top. They got the best grades and got into the best classes. Even if you were just pretty, you were popular. If you were athletic, then you had to be smart too. If you weren't any of those things, then you are in the sub categories: You know, Emo, art related, or good at sports- but you failed most of your classes. And then there were the annoyed, which was people who just put on clothes, went to school and came home. I liked those people the most, even though they were the most talked about. But they could care less about what other people hadve to say though.
I got a plate of noodles and chicken, and sat back down in my seat. Things were different now. I think I was done being mean, and being at the top wasn't really worth it anymore. It might sound stupid, but I was actually feeling bad for hurting all the people I did hurt.
Lindsey poked me out of my thoughts and said, "We wanted to show you this."
She pulled her phone out, the screen displaying a video of me talking with her boyfriend. He was tall with brown hair that fell into his eyes. I remembered talking to him about her birthday, which was three months ago. I looked at her like she was crazy. Why would she have a video of me talking to her boyfriend? She smiled, and the look in her eyes told me everything I needed to know. She brought the phone closer to my face, and I heard myself say, "Lindsey's my friend and all, but she's ugly. You're way too handsome to be with her." The digital me cracked a smile and left while Lindsey's  boyfriend  yelled at me. I turned around and said something, though I couldn't hear it in the video nor did I remember, while her boyfriend shook his head.
I stared blankly at her phone as the screen turned black. Before she could say anything, I immediately screamed. "Why were you tapping me!?"
Lindsey's eyebrows raised, and she shot back, "Why were you talking about me!?"
"Don't put this on me!" I screeched back. I heard a snicker, and when I turned around, I saw Amber and Torri tapping us. Sofia was talking with the restaurant staff, probably trying to explain what was going on. Amber came running up to Lindsey's side, quickly adding, "Why would you say she's ugly?"
"Look, I wasn't trying to be mean; I was just mad! You knew I liked  him, and yet you still decided to date him!" Lindsey's eyes turned  colder and deadlier.
"Too bad since we love each other, unlike your parents!."
I heard a grunt behind me which made me pause, and before I could turn around, I felt cold water running down my back. Tiny fish flopped down the front of my dress as more water dripped down my face and my arms. I flinched away and gasped for air. The water was so cold, and it felt like ice on my skin.
I stood there freezing, unsure of what just happened. Fish pee was in my eyes and I couldn't even see what was going on. I rubbed the water from them and let out a scream. Once things were visible again, I turned around to see who did it.
Green eyes looked back at me. The girl let out a laugh, a disgusting laugh that you only see in movies. It was Lindsey's cousin. She pushed me until I fell onto my butt.
My "friends" started to help me up, muttering things like, "I didn't plan this, I swear!" and "This is all Lindsey and Meghan's fault!"
Regardless of what they thought, I was no idiot. They were only saying this stuff to make it seem like this was a huge mistake, mostly because at this pont the whole restaurant was now looking at us.
    I pushed them off of me and ran out of the restaurant. As if I already wasn't soaked enough, it started to rain, and as I left, my dress only got more soaked while my hair clung to the back of my neck.

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