Chapter 10 (Texts)

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I let my phone buzz about five times before I finally gave in and looked at it. I could see a random number texting me.
I opened there messages up.

S: Hi!! It's Sam lol
-video link-

S: I sent you the video link and all the police reports.

S: Tbh I think Sonia did it. I just have a hunch.

S: And I know your probably thinking why in the hell do I care so much. Let's just say I need to get back at Sonia.
So are you down to help me? In return I'll keep you company at school and I'll talk to the teachers so that you can get a get out of class pass like me. :)

S: Hello????

S: Avery are you there?

S: Can you just answer me please?!?

A: you know if I help you we could both go to jail right?

S: Believe me we aren't.

A: How could you be so sure?

S: just trust me ok

S: What year did you and your boyfriend breakup? Did you know he died back in 2012?

S: Thats also another reason I believed Sonia did it. A police report came out stating Carter Birdgecooth died in a basement in Rhode Island.

A: How could she kill him if she was living here?

S: idk I feel like she is doing this strategically

A: so what she killed my ex then moved back to California???

S: I mean it's possible

I stared at that text for a little while too long. Why am I even helping her?
I'm gaining nothing out of this accept maybe jail time. I squinted as my phone lit up again.

S: Your tied into this mess I don't know why but you are. She wants you for some reason.

A: How do you know she wants me? Why would she be so interested in me?

S: On the first day of school she was non stop talking about you. She followed you on everything and made sure to show your photos to the entire school. Good thing your pretty cause everyone at our school knows who u r.

A: why we she do that? What was the point of all that?

S: you tell me lol

S: why do you think everyone at school was asking to give you a ride home

A: why where they that shit was weird

S: because they wanted you out of harms way, everyone knows something weird is going on with Sonia. Even the teachers suspect something. And her running around showing your pictures to everyone. It made everyone uneasy she talked about you in such a malicious and disgusting way and what pissed me off is that no one said anything.

A: what was she saying about me

I could see bubbles on my screen which indicated she was typing. Then she stopped typing, then she started again, then stopped again. I sighed and put my phone on the dresser.
I ran downstairs to get a glass of water. It was going to be a long night.
I could hear my phone ding and ding about 10 times before I stepped through my room door.

S: she said a lot of shit

S: she said that your a skank with no morals and you have divorced parents. She showed us pictures of your parents i don't know where she got that from. She gave us a run down of who your friends where and what they were like. She essentially told us everything about you. I think she may have threw in where you lived at some point.

S: She made it a point to express that your a wanna be rich white girl who screws over every guy your with.

S: she said your unhappy in your life and that your secretly a lesbian.

S: That your fake and a bitch

S: she essentially told us your a shitty person who will be coming to our school and that we should ignore you.

S: so yeah it was pretty bad she is like obsessed with you.

S: But I think she wants you for some reason she is planning something bad and-

I stopped looking at my phone. I stopped breathing. I stopped blinking. I stopped thinking. I stopped fucking moving and just sat there.
Who does this girl think she is? How does she know everything about me? What does she want from me?

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