Chapter 7 (Sam)

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"What video are you talking about?" I asked while staring into those green eyes of hers. She started running her hands up and down her jeans, trying to control her breathing. She tired again, "That wild video of you getting a fish tank dunked on top of you."
     I gave an exasperated sigh before putting my head on the table. "Who saw the video exactly?" I muttered.
     I could feel her shift uncomfortably in her seat. "I can't really understand-"
    I threw my head up and looked at those pretty green eyes. "Who saw the video!?" I said a little more forcefully then anticipated.
     "Well Sonia was playing it for everybody at lunch the other day, then she screen recorded it and posted it on twitter so...." She shrugged her shoulders before stating, "Maybe about 1,000 people."
        I drew in a long breath and asked, "Do you know why she would do that?"
     She tossed her red hair over her shoulder, looking more relaxed then previously. "Because Sonia has series issues. I would advise you to stay away from her because she is deranged in the head."
      I knit my eyebrows together in a frown. "Why is she deranged in the head?"
She licked her lips. "She does terrible things and gets away with them."
    I shoved a piece of gum in my mouth before questioning her, "What type of things?"
      Before she could answer someone came into the library. It was a teacher with short black hair and red lipstick. She pointed her finger at us and yelled, "You two shouldn't be in here, get to class now!"
     Red head immediately pulled something out of her backpack and held it up so the teacher could see. The teacher came closer, the clank of her heels making me panic.
     I don't know what she showed the teacher but she backed away while apologizing profusely. Red head sat down again, her eyes never leaving the teacher until she made her way out the door.
   I turned back around, "What did you show her?"
      Red head put her head in her hands and sighed before confessing, "Sonia used to bully me really bad, she did a lot of messed up things to me, and because of that the teachers gave me a type of "safe space". It's for when I get over stimulated I'm allowed to be in here."
   I popped the gum I had in her face. "Back to what I was saying. What type of things did Sonia do in order to make you believe she is deranged?"
    I could see her chest rise and fall as she tired to steady her breathing. "She kills people."
    I glanced up into those green gorgeous eyes again. I was trying to notice any sign of bullshit in her face but nothing, her eyes were dead set on mine and her lips were quivering again.
Crap not this again. I could tell she was being series because she was acting like a psych patient again.
    "You being for real right now?" I questioned her while hesitantly reaching in my bag for my phone.
     She noticed me reaching for it and laughed. She rubbed her eyes and told me, "Yes I'm telling the truth. There's no need to call the police they already know the story I'm about to tell you."
My eyebrows lifted up as I was slightly amused and Intrigued. This red headed chick is something els- wait a minute have I've been calling her red head this entire time?
I rubbed the back of my neck shyly before asking her, "Can I get your name?"
"Your still gonna rat me out to the police?," she hesitated.
Her eyes soften a little, like she trusted me or something.
"My name is Sam."

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