Chapter 8 (Video)

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"Ok Sam." I said cautiously. "So Sonia kills people?"
She nodded.
"How do you know she kills people? And how did she not get arrested yet?" I questioned her.
Sam told me to hold on one second while she pulled out her phone. But my mind was racing a hundred miles a minute. This is insane, why am I even sitting her humoring her? What I should do is find a teacher.
I started looking around the library for a exit door so that I could run out of here. But before I could Sam pulled out her phone and showed me a video.
I saw Sonia with her dirty blond hair pulled up into a ponytail, while she wore a tight green dress. She brandished a knife in her hand, and she stood over someone. I squinted hard so that I can see into Sam's small phone. The person in the chair was Chad?!?
I backed out my chair while rubbing my eyes. Maybe it was a trick of the light or something. There is no way my ex boyfriend was sitting in that chair.
I grabbed Sam's phone and brought it closer to my face. It was him alright, with the same ugly blue shirt and jeans he wore everyday.
Sonia held the knife to his chest and started going back and forth, not hurting him but toying with him. I could see Chad open his mouth and start laughing. Laughing?
He grinned up at Sonia while she started laughing and putting the knife up and down his body.
"You like that baby?" I heard Sonia say.
Chad nodded his head eagerly. He was practically salivating as Sonia was running the knife up and down his abdomen.
"Into knife play?" Sonia questioned while climbing onto to Chads lap. Chad just keep on grinning like an idiot and begging for more. Sonia leaned down to kiss him. I could practically feel the tension through the screen, she kept on leaning down to kiss him but stopping herself and smiling coldly at him. After like 5 minutes of toying with him she leaned down and locked her lips with his, he groaned and moved around in his seat. Then Sonia brought the knife behind his head and-
Oh god
She stabbed him in the head so many times I lost count. Chad eyes bulged out of his head before he gave a startling cry. He finally slumped over in his chair as Sonia climbed off of him. Her legs started to wobble and she dropped the knife. She stared into the distance for a long time. She put her hands together as if she was praying, then she turned her head to the wall. She looked directly at the camera. She just kept on staring before the video finally cut off.
"What was that?" I screamed.
Sam just gradually put her phone away and shrugged before asking, "Did you know him?"
I nodded before putting my head on the table.
"He was my ex boyfriend." I stated plainly.
Sam nodded her head before confessing, "Someone sent that video to me. I thought it was Sonia but there was no IP address to track it back to anyone. I sent the video to the police and I haven't heard back from them in two years."
"Two years?" I questioned her.
She explained, "I told them my freshman year of high-school after the video was sent to me. They proceeded to tell me that the video was fake and edited to make it seem like Sonia killed someone."
I frowned before sighing and putting my hands over my eyes, "Then she isn't a killer." I mumbled out.
Sam started rummaging in her bag. I could hear key chains and pencils being shoved around before she finally pulled out her computer.
"Yes but you recognized the person in the video, that means the police were wrong." She started typing on her labtop before she grinned and said, "If we go to the police with this information we can finally put a end to all of this and we can finally take down the patriarchy that she has established at this school and I finally won't be so-."
I put my hand out to silence her because I heard a loud crash behind some of the bookshelves. Sam closed her computer and listened. I heard another crash and someone giggling before a group of boys popped out from behind the bookshelves.
One guy started kicking over the books on the floor before he looked up at us. His brown eyes locked with mine before he gave a devious smile and turned to his freinds. He clapped his freind on the back before he looked back over and pointed at us. "Looks like there some fresh meat here."
I started packing my bags as fast as I can. While Sam just stared at them and frowned.
"Why are they looking at us?" She wondered out loud.
"Sam are you like socially stupid or something? You know when there's a group of boys talking about "fresh meat" that you get up and leave immediately, especially in this part of the school where there isn't any teachers around."
Sam looked taken aback by my answer but shook her head and looked back at them, "There not going to do anything." She insisted.
I could hear footsteps and more crashing, I looked up and saw there were more guys walking into the library. I started speed waking to the closet exit I could find. My fingers where on the handle of the door before I felt cold fingers on my back. I turned around and swated at the person who touched me. It was the same dude with the brown eyes. He was closer now, so I was able to see he had light brown skin. He was wearing jeans and a blue adidas shirt. He put his hands up in a non aggressive way while looking down at me.
"What you leaving in a hurry for?" He put his hands in his pockets and continued, "You waiting for someone to pick you up? I could always give you a ride." He wiggled his eyebrows in a provocative manner and pointed his thumb back at me and Sam's table. "Sam Is Tyler's freind, why don't you stay and chill for a little while?"
I glanced back over at the table. And he was right, Sam was over there talking to someone with blond hair and glasses. He sat down next to her and she started fixing his hair. I pushed past the guy in front of me and walked right over to Sam. I pointed at the boy with glasses, "You know him?"
Sam chuckled. "I've known him since I was in diapers. Tyler this is Avery. Avery this is Tyler." She pointed up at me like I was some type of trophy on a wall. Tyler looked over at me and slurred out, "Nice to meet you."
My eyebrows raised up as I noticed the immediate lisp in his voice. I sat down by Sam, partly because I wanted to understand how she could be freinds with all these boys and partly because I didn't want to go back to class.

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