Chapter 11 (Diana)

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I could hear my phone ding as I tossed and turned all night. I couldn't sleep, not after that.
Sam tried calling me but I didn't answer. I was tempted to put my phone on silent but I wanted to see if my dad would text me. He hasn't spoken to me in a couple of weeks, I missed him.
I could hear a knock on my door as my phone buzzed for the 200th time.
I sat up in bed as light spilled into my room through the door. My mom was standing there in her work scrubs with a plate in her hand. Her eyes dropped down as she looked down at me and huffed.
"You need to get up." She slurred out while rubbing her eyes.
She put the plate on my dresser and sat on my bed. "I have a early shift at the hospital. So you have to get up and get ready. I'm going to drop you off thirty minutes before school starts." She yawned while saying this, and pushed the covers off of me.
"Come on and get up and eat." She said quickly before leaving hastily and shutting the door. I looked over at my moms attempt at breakfast and decided to try it.
Crappy eggs but ehh at least the bacon is ok.

My mom dropped me off so early I had to sit with the football team before school. They were all shirtless and sweaty. One guy was swinging around his football Jersey like a cowboy and kept on whistling at me. I frowned and pushed myself farther up the school steps.
I started hearing creaking coming from behind me and I turned around to see one of the teachers opening the main entrance. The teacher looked down at his watch before lifting his eyes to scan over me and the players.
"Come on in here kids and Brandon-" he pointed at the guy who was still swinging his Jersey around. "You better put that away before I confiscate it!"
I got up and made my way to the front entrance, then I felt cold hands hug me from behind. I swirled around and pushed said hands off of me before realizing who it was.
"Avery! Why haven't you answered my texts or my phone calls? We need to discuss more things, you can't keep gho-". I put my hand out to silence her before grabbing her wrists and dragging her all the way into the school. We eventually made it into the girls bathroom where I shoved her into a stall and locked the door.
"Why did you bring me here?" I heard Sam question behind me as I locked the door.
"Because I need to speak to you. And your going to stand here and answer every question I ask then I'll do the same. Ok?"
Her eyebrows shot up at how demanding I sounded but she motioned for me to continue.
I rubbed my hands together before deciding on my first question.
"Did Sonia actually tell everybody all that stuff about me?"
She bit her lip before she gave her reply. "Yes." She stared up at me like I was going to hit her.
"Why are you and Sonia on such bad terms? What exactly did she do to you?"
Sam shuffled her feet around. "She used to be my freind. Then weird stuff started happening, rumors about me were popping up out of nowhere."
A piece of her red hair feel from behind her ear so I walked up to her and fixed it.
Her eyebrows shot up. She looked so startled but intrigued at the same time.
I put my hands under her chin. "Continue." I mused while playing with her hair behind the notch of her neck.
She fluttered her eyes lashes at me "If I was a lesbian you would totally be my type." I backed away at her statement.
I could feel myself getting angry but I decided to calm down. No need in getting mad I need information out of her.
I waved my hands at her to continue.
"She told me she never once talked bad about me. But every rumor about me was a grotesque fabrication of what I told her."
Sam made lewd hand gestures. "I know she spread rumors about me having sex with 3 people." She pointed at me. "Which isn't true. She also tried claiming I slept with a mail man, was caught drunk driving, that I've been arrested, and I've made out with a teacher in the storage room." Sam raised her hands and started waving them. "None of it is true. She made it all up."
I lifted my eyebrows up in a questioning manner. All of this sounded insane to me. I honestly don't believe Sam. I just wanted to know what Sonia was saying about me. I wanted to know why Sonia was so interested in me and my problems. And talking to Sam was the only way to do it. I didn't want to ask anybody else about Sonia, because they may tell Sonia I was asking about her. I needed any information I could get out of Sam in order to figure out what was going on.
"How much of all that is a lie?"
Sam scrunched up her eyebrows. "Most of it is lies."
"Tell how much of it is true."
Sam crossed her arms.
"Why do you care? Let me just help you."
I sucked in a breath.
"No tell me how much of it is true. I want to know the person I'm letting help me."
Sam frowned and dropped her hands to the sides of her.
"I did get caught drunk driving but my cousin was the one behind the wheel. I've made out with two people, but I've never had sex let's make that clear. I've also had crushes on two teachers in this school."
I heard someone come in the bathroom so I quietly asked, "What about getting arrested?"
She rolled her eyes before whispering, "Yeah I went to Juvie over the summer because I used a fake ID. Not a big deal."
I scoffed before turning around to look at the crack in the bathroom stall. I saw someone fixing there hair in the mirror. The person sighed before deciding to wash there hands. I could see flashes of a purple dress, which clung to the body of African American girl. The purple dress popped against the rich black of her skin. The thick of her hair was pulled up into a cute, curly poufy thing at the top of her head and secured with a purple ribbon. I could tell by her face it was the same girl from math class.
She's really pretty.
I backed away from the crack.
What the hell is wrong with me? I need to stop being gay and stupid and focus on the task at hand.
Sam dragged me out of my thoughts by putting her hand on my shoulder. She squinted at the girl before looking back at me.
"She is one of the only students of color here. It's a shame really." Sam told me in a low voice.
Irritation seeped through my bones at that comment. I felt like leaving the bathroom stall and speaking to her.
I heard shuffling and before I could react the girl had her face near the crack of the door.
"If your going to talk about me at least whisper to each other quietly. I could hear you all the way at the sink." She rolled her eyes before backing away from the door. Her voice stunned me into silence. She sounded so irritated and for the first time in my life I felt like apologizing.
I unlocked the stall door and walked up to where she stood by the dryer. Her eyes were down casted before she glanced over her shoulder at me.
"I'm sorry me and my freind where talking about you."
I wrung my hands together.
"That was very insensitive of us."
She pulled her hands from underneath the dryer and turned her full body towards me. She frowned every so slightly before shly smiling and saying, "Its ok. I understand and you guys weren't being insensitive or anything."
She crossed her arms.
"I'm just used to everybody in here being a racist asshole."
I seethed at the comment. I put my hands on my hips and breathed out, "Yeah some people are just stupid and insecure. They see someone who is better looking and just feel the need to come after them. Even if it's about skin color, which is stupid."
The girl nodded her head before giving me a "Yeah."
I looked at my phone to check the time. It was 7:30. I had like 5 minutes before I was going to be late for Chem. I hastily put my phone away before asking, "Can I get your name?"
She smiled up at me and showed me the whiteness of her teeth. I could see the dimples in her cheeks before she puffed them out and replied, "Diana."
"Diana." I said back to her while looking at that smile again.
She nodded again while brushing down the sides of her dress.
She kept on smiling at me and I could feel myself cherishing every second of it.
I felt a slap on my shoulder and turned to see Sam giggling.
Sam looked down at her phone before stating, "We need to get out of here before we are late."
Diana stopped smiling and I could feel myself hating Sam more and more.
"Right, well I'll see you guys later." Diana waved at us and left the bathroom.

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