Chapter 6 (Red head)

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Every wonder what's going on inside someone else's head?
Yeah I wonder what's going on in the heads of the people at this school. Sonia was waiting for me outside of Algebra class, giggling profusely.
As I made my way out of the classroom I could see the red headed girl following close behind. I was two steps out of the doorway before Sonia called my name.
I tired passing by her, but she grabbed my arm and spun me slightly so that I faced her.
"Why are you ignoring me?" Her blue eyes bore into mine. I pulled my arm away, ready to start cursing at this lunatic before the red headed girl interfered.
"Why don't you just leave us alone?" She put her arm through mine and gave Sonia a quick smile before pulling me down the corridor. I mouthed a quick "thank you" to her before turning back to look at Sonia.
I was taken aback by how angry she looked. I saw her physically shaking in her dress, as if she was having some type of attack. She started gripping the front of her dress like a child. And she looked dead at me, shaking her head as if to say you shouldn't have done that.
The red headed girl saw me glancing back and shook her head at me.
"There's no need to be scared, she just does strange things to get attention."
I nodded my head as she led me into the library. There were piles of books everywhere but nothing in the shelves themselves. The lights were dimmed as if this place hasn't been used in years. I kicked over a pile of books as I made my way over to a table before she grabbed me and pulled me towards the exit. Her grip on my arm was tight, and she was practically running to the exit door.
      "Stop tugging on my arm!" I pulled my arm back as we were facing the door. She turned to me. She looked panicked, like something awful was about to happen. Her eyes were big as saucers, and her hair looked more disheveled and messier than how it was in class. 
      "Are you ok?" I asked quietly while putting my hand on her forearm.
      She looked at me, then at the door, then back at me. What's with this girl? I quietly thought as I made my way over to a table and motioned for her to sit down. She looked at me a little longer before finally giving in and sitting down.
      "Why were you trying to get me to leave?" I questioned while gazing into those eyes of hers. She breathed in slowly, never looking away from me while she whispered, "You just need to get out of here."
     I rolled my eyes. If the next person tells me to leave this school then I may just do it. Damn this place.
      "Why are you telling me to leave? Is the place like cursed or something?"
      She started picking at her nails before sighing and responding back with, "No it's just not safe for you."
      I frowned before deciding to stand up. "I don't need this bullshit." I quietly uttered while picking up my bag.
     She looked confused for a second before trying to speak again but I cut her off. "Why are you and everyone else in this school acting so goddamn weird? I don't need to "leave" this school and no one here is going to convince me to do so." 
     I started packing my bag. The red headed girl sat stone faced for a minute before slamming her hands on the table. That stopped me dead in my tracks as I turned my head slowly around to her. Her nails bore into the table, the sound making my ears want to bleed.
The sound was so loud I could barely hear what she saying next, "You don't understand your life is in danger!" Her grip on the table was so tight that it shook. Her breathing was so heavy and her eyes were so big, I contemplated calling 911.
   Clearly something was wrong with her. I don't know how to handle crazy people, so like an idiot I sat down again and asked her to explain.
    She gave a sigh of relief before letting go of the table. "They have seen your video."

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