Chapter 4 (School)

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I hated myself, but I was excited for school. By now, that video was all around my old school, but I didn't have to go back to face their judgment. I was excited to start somewhere fresh and new.
My mom drove me to school. We haven't spoken to each other since yesterday. I was shoving the last bit of bagel in my mouth before my mom motioned for me to get out of the car. I wanted to take the bottle of aspirin but the way my mom looked convinced me that she needed it more then me. I pushed open the door and started walking to the main entrance.
I decided to wear a white crop top shirt, a pair of jeans, and rings all over my fingers. I wore black eyeliner and semi black lipstick. I was going for that "Hey I'm creepy and emo so keep your distance" look. I checked my schedule and ran into my homeroom. I walked up to the teacher, told her my name and sat down. I hate people who stress about the first day of school, it's not that hard to just not care and to sit down and get your work done.
This year no friends, no distractions, I'm going to school and going home like Sarah Mclend (The all time loner at my old school). My plan got screwed up when some girl with glasses and dirty blond hair started speaking to me.
"Are you new?" Her blue eyes startled me.
"Yeah I'm new." I think she saw how tense I was.
    "Oh, Im sorry Im not trying to startle you." She smiled wide. "If you need help I can show you around."
    I nodded my head and she followed me to my next class. I don't understand why she was trying to help me but it was nice actually to talk to someone.
When I got to lunch she sat next to me. "So...what's your name?" She finally asked after staring at me for five minutes.
    "Avery." I said slowly. The look on my face must have told her enough. I was trying to eat my lunch and she was bothering me.
    She looked me up and down before slowly putting a grape in her mouth. "My name is Sonia."
    She smiled cooly before she stuck her hand in her lunch bag and pulled out a sandwich. She broke off a piece and waved it in my face. "Want some?"
    "No, I'm good."
She shrugged. "Suit yourself."
I told myself I wasn't making any friends this year and here I was eating lunch with some random girl. After about five minutes of me not saying anything, she started laughing.
"Omg, Avery you're so funny!" She exclaimed before gobbling up the rest of her food.
I was very confused but before I could say anything another person sat down at the table. She could have been Sonia's twin if you weren't looking hard enough.
    Her hand immediately went to my lunch bag and pulled out my crackers. I snatched them away and screamed at her for touching my food.
    She put her hands up and said "I'm sorry, I thought that was Sonia's lunch bag." When she smiled I could see the dimples in her face. Her brown eyes looked mischievous, like she was one of those kids on the bus who threw rocks at unsuspecting people.
    I frowned at both of them and ate the rest of my lunch. They wouldn't stop talking, and they wouldn't stop looking at me. Finally, when I was finished I got up to leave the table, but then out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sonia following me. I walked all the way to the bathroom, then turned around to see if she was there.
    She walked past me and was at the water fountain. She was still looking at me. I practically ran into the bathroom and closed the door. I splashed cold water on my face to try to calm myself down.
    I didn't like when people stared, let alone stared the way she did. Like she was planning my demise or something. I rubbed my eyes and looked at myself in the mirror. The black lipstick was starting to smudge, making me look like I decided to drink ink more so then trying to wear makeup. As I tried fixing my makeup, I took a real good look at myself. Or more so looked at what I've became. I didn't like how my mouth was turned downwards and that there were bags under my eyes. I didn't like that my eyebrows weren't plucked and my nails weren't done. I didn't like the fact that I let myself go.
    Sometimes I think that my parent's divorce was my fault. Maybe they couldn't keep up with my lifestyle of always being better than everyone. Maybe they broke up because of how demanding I was.
    I looked at myself again. No, none of this was my fault. I rubbed the tears out of my eyes. I was about to leave the bathroom before the door swung in my face.
    Sonia looked at me and frowned. "And what were you doing in here all by yourself?"
She shut the door behind her and walked up to me. I breathed in the scent of strawberries and raised my eyebrows.
    "Perfume?" I asked and she nodded. She looked down at her outfit and looked back up at me. The corners of her mouth raised as she gave a frightening smile and whispered "I changed my clothes."
I leaned in real close and mumbled: "Why are you whispering?"
Sonia looked at me and put a hand on my face. I tried backing away before she whispered, "I like what you have to offer."
Before I knew what was happening she kissed me hard on the lips. I stumbled backward while pushing her off of me.
I yelled at her. "What the hell are you doing?" Her eyes turned from blue to stormy gray.
She raised her hands in mock surrender, "I thought you were coming on to me." She smugly said before turning on her heel and walking towards the door.

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