Chapter 5 (New freind)

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I glanced at Sonia as she left the bathroom. The pink dress she was wearing flew up every so slightly, giving me a good view of her thighs. She turned her head and blew me a kiss. I felt myself blush.
Blush?? Why the hell am I blushing? She gave me one last bone chilling smile before leaving the bathroom. I stood there for a while. I contemplated if I even should leave the bathroom. I wanted to go into one of those bathroom stalls and start pulling my hair out. I never kissed a girl. But those soft lips, her scent, her hand resting every so perfectly on my face. It felt right.
I don't like her, I like the idea of kissing someone of the same gender. But that's what scared me the most. I had to think about my sexuality on top of everything else.
    I walked into second period feeling uneasy. It felt like everyone was staring at me, like they knew what happened in the bathroom. My second period was Algebra. The room smelled of old ladies and lemons. There were no desks, just long horizontal tables. Each separating into 3 rows leading into the back of the room.
I walked up to the teacher confidently, telling her my name and that I was new. As I was almost done speaking I stepped back abruptly, flinching as I did so. The teacher had a mustache across her forehead. No wait that's her eyebrows. As I looked at the mustache that rested every so peaceful on her forehead, she gave me a piece of paper. She noticed me noticing that thing on top of her forehead and frowned at me, making the mustache look like hairy caterpillars colliding into each other. I held back my laughter as I looked at my paper. Just a bunch of random number and letters that made no sense. All math every does is leave my head anyways. Her shrill voice woke me out of my thoughts."New students sit in the front for the first semester",  she pointed to one of the seats in the front of the room. As I approached I noticed a girl with red hair and green eyes watching me. I sat down and slipped my notebook out of my backpack. I was trying to listen to Mrs. Mustache before that girl started poking me. I tried ignoring her but then she started whispering for me to listen to her. Finally, she pulled some candy bars out of her backpack and waved them in my face.
     "You bribing me to talk to you?" I questioned before taking one and unwrapping it. Her head shook up and down before she slid closer to me. The chair she was sitting in made a squeak noise, making a few people turn their heads at us.
     "Yeah, why not bother the new girl?" She ate a piece of the candy before grinning and saying, "You look like one of those tik tok alt emo girls, so I needed to see what's up. No one dresses like that here. As you can already tell it's very white and basic around here." I knit my eyebrows together before looking around the room. She was right, I barely saw any color in here. I only saw a pretty dark-skin girl in the back of the class. She wore her hair in a afro, and she was wearing a red dress that was low cut in the front. She glanced up at me and frowned. I turned away quickly, not trying to give her the wrong impression. The girl sitting next to me glanced around the room before meeting my eyes again, "Where you move from?"
    "Rhode Island," I mumble out a little harshly before turning my attention back to Mrs. Mustache. The scrap of chalk on board drowns out whatever else the girl is saying to me. I quietly continue putting down random numbers in my notebook.

Sorry y'all I rushed this chapter. But the good parts are coming soon!!

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