Chapter 12( Lunch time blues)

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"You should have turned in the form last week." The nurse snatched the paper away from me and started typing on her computer.
"Yeah well I brought it in now so." I muttered while making my way to the door leading out of the nurses office.
"Not so fast missy. I need to give you a quick check up and I also need to call your mom about some forms she needs to sign."
I swiveled back around and made my way to the scale. The nurse took my blood pressure and gave me an eye test before letting me finally leave.
I walked down to the cafeteria. This school was way bigger then my last school but the cafeteria was small. It was about the size of 3 classroom together and in the back was the lunch counters. I pushed past the bodies in front of me and walked towards the lunch counters. I could see Sonia out of the corner of my eye at the salad station. She was faulting a pink corset type dress with matching pink heels. Her hair fell down her back, and her glasses rested on the tip of her nose. She was holding the salad bowl in her hand and eating while standing up. Nobody was around her but she started laughing at something.
I walked over to the sandwich station and picked up a cheeseburger. I then made my way for the check out line.
I noticed the person in front of me off the bat. The person turned around and I could recognize that smile anywhere.
"Oh hi again."
I felt my legs give out. I propped myself up on the lunch counter and tried giving her a smile without looking so awkward.
Diana's eyes where a warm honey brown. And they gave a tiny sparkle as she looked at me.
"Avery is your name right? You want to sit with me? I know your new and all."
I licked my chapped lips before replying, "Yeah I would like that."
She led us to the back of the lunch room where a couple of girls sat with there feet on the table and there arms wrapped around their boyfriends.
We sat at the table near the far right.
"So do you like it here? Or are you here to report back to your old school how shitty this one is?"
I laughed before replying, "No my parents got a divorce and my mom dragged me here."
Diana lifted her eyebrows. "Oh yeah I think I heard about that."
I mentally slapped myself in the face. There is no point in talking about my personal life, everybody already knows everything about me.
"My parents are divorced to. And my Dad actually dragged me to live with him and his girlfreind." Diana sighed before continuing, "Sometimes I wish my mom would come and save me from them."
I started unwrapping my burger but never taking my eyes of off Diana. "Yeah parents sometimes aren't the best."
Diana smoothed the ruffles in her dress. She gave me a cool smile. "Im glad we agree on something."
Diana started fixing the ribbon in her hair. I wanted to reach out and help her but I knew that would be weird so I resorted to watching her while she did her thing.
"You gonna keep staring at me?"
I pulled my eyes away from the black spirals of curls that fell from the pouf on the top of her head. They framed her almond shaped face ever so beautiful, making her look like a baby doll.
"Sorry I have like a starring problem." I regretted the words as they left my mouth.
Diana pulled the black spiral curls that framed her face back into her pouf before she side eyed the hell out of me.
"Who just admits that out of nowhere?"
Idiots like me who can't seem to think straight in your presence.
I rubbed the back of my neck before replying, "I guess people like me."
Diana scoffed before picking at the meal on her tray.
"Your quite spontaneous you know."
And your quite gorgeous.
"I try."
She grinned at that and went back to eating.

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