Chapter 3 (Home sweet Home)

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    I planned to use whatever money I had left to ride the bus home. When the driver pulled up to my street though, he frowned and his mouth twisted in a weird way, as if to say, "Why is she here?"
    I frowned back at him before turning away from the bus stop quickly, and deciding to walk home instead. As I approached the house, I noticed my mom was outside sitting on the porch. She was on the phone laughing loudly. Probably talking about my Dad or me to one of her friends. She saw me and put the phone down. She smiled and said, "How was it?"
    What should I say? 'My "friends" all lied to me and pretended to be my friends, only so that they could get back at me?'
I don't even know what I did wrong. Sure, talking to people's boyfriends behind their back was bad, but did I deserve what happened to me?
    Truth be told, everyone at my school does this. Lies and rumors spread like wildfire. So why should I be the only one dealing with the punishment?
    I shrugged my shoulders and walked past her to go inside. I heard her quickly say bye to her friends before she ran after me into the house.
    "Sweetheart, you're soaking wet." She exclaimed as we both entered the house and sat at the table.
    "Yeah, I fell into a puddle coming home." I lied.
"But didn't you take the bus?" My mother was looking down at me as I sat at the kitchen table. I was unwrappeding the jolly rancher candy I had. I shoved it into my mouth and looked up at her.
    "Who cares, I got home didn't I?" I said with exasperation in my voice. I pushed my chair backout before my mom grabbed my arm and demanded that I tell her what happened.
    "Nothing happened, I just slipped and fell into a puddle!" I pulled my arm away and escaped upstairs.

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