Chapter 13 (Bathroom)

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Diana gave me that gorgeous smile of hers as me and her parted ways. I walked down the steps to the locker rooms which were on the first floor. As I pushed open the gym door I noticed there was nobody in there accept a girl with dirty blond hair. She wore her hair in a tight ponytail. The green of her nails stuck out against the white of her gym uniform. She started lacing up her shoes as I opened my locker. She turned around to look at me when she was finished. I glanced up at her as I crouched down in front of my locker. She popped her gum and stalked towards me. She then bent in front of the door of my locker and stuck her pinky in one of the holes.
"Um what exactly are you doing?"
Her nail started making a scratchy sound as it was pushed in and out of the hole.
"This is what you were doing to Sonia in the bathroom right?"
I pulled the pants out of my locker as I tried registering what she was trying to say.
I squinted hard at the layered fabric of the sweats pants. I could recognize that voice from somewhere.
I felt a pull on my hair as the girl grabbed a piece of it and demanded I tell her what happened. I whipped the pants in the girls face and told her to stop. She stood up and decided to tower over me instead.
"You heard me. Is that what your fingers where doing to Sonia in the bathroom?"
I shoot my eyebrows up because I recognized the voice. This was Sonia's freind from the lunch room.
She gave me a pout and whispered, "Cat got your tongue?"
"I don't know what the hell your talking about. But tell Sonia to keep my name out of her mouth cause none of that is true." I slammed my locker shut, not even bothering to lock it before taking my pants and heading for the bathroom. I could hear Sonia's freind scoff before I ran out of the locker room.

Note to self: Never use the bathroom at school. There is going to be A) People making out or B) People smoking in there. I was waiting for a bathroom stall before Sonia's freind came stumbling in the bathroom.
She pointed those long Medusa nails at me. "You know if your going to make out with my best freind at least have the decency to speak to her about it. I mean her boyfriend was really upset about it but she had to explain to him that you came on to her."
The idiots in the back with there cherry flavored vapes started giggling. I scowled at them and they went back to smoking quietly.
"Again I have no idea what your talking about. And get your long ass nails out of my face before I break them!" I pointed in her face threatening her and then ran into a bathroom stall. After screaming curse words at me she finally left the bathroom. I could finally breath. I dressed quietly and left the bathroom.

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