Chapter 17 (The fear that never died)

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I walked into the school, feeling like a wet blanket. All the pain I've been feeling subsided into a feeling of common ground. I have accepted the fact that my life will never be the same.
As my mom dropped me off she smiled at me and told me to have a good day. I didn't smile back but I gave her the satisfaction of getting out of the car and saying bye.
As I made my way to the front of the school I saw Sam and Kernsie talking quietly to each other in the front.
I headed over to them.
Sam eyed me with little regard.
"Hello Avery."
Kernsie didn't face me, her eyes stayed glued to the front.
"What's up?"
Sam didn't answer me. They walked into the school with me behind them.
I walked around them and got in front of them walking backwards.
"Im sorry about yesterday. I felt sick, probably from the punch, and I just decided to go home."
Sam's eyes wavered in my direction before looking down at her shoes.
"It's fine. Just tell me next time. You weren't invited in the first place so it would be good to get a heads up on your whereabouts."

"I understand. You know me, I do my own thing."

"We can tell."

Kernsie walked past me and into a classroom.

"What's up with her?"

Sam eyed me like I was the most grossest thing on the planet.

"She told me what happened. I think you should talk to her."

I turned around and started walking side by side with Sam. "Why, it's not like it's my fault?"

"Never said it was. All I know is that my best Freind is crying her eyes out over a girl that I introduced her to at her party."

"She shouldn't be crying or upset at all. All that happened is that she kissed me. And now somehow that's my fault? Yeah no, I'm not apologizing to someone with little regard for my feelings."

Sam's eyebrows scrunched up and she huffed. As if fed up with my lack of empathy towards someone who doesn't deserve it.

"Just talk to her. She's probably just scared and embarrassed that's all."

"Yeah ok."

Me and Sam walked into math class. I could see Sonia sitting in my seat. Her feet were on my desk and she was too preoccupied with scrolling on her phone to notice me walking up right behind her.

"This is my seat."

Sonia looked up at me through the rim of her green glasses.

"And today's it's mine."

I looked over at Sam. She sat next to Sonia while avoiding my gaze.

"Get out of my seat." I spoke loud to bring attention to the situation but everyone in the class seemed to ignore me. Even the teacher got up to the board and started writing as if nothing was the matter.

"Make me."

I could hear the squeaking of the chalk hit the black board as the teacher started putting numbers on the board. My hands seemed to have a mind of their own as I reached up and-

"Sonia just get out of her seat. You're supposed to sit next to me anyways."

Sonia and me both turned and looked at Kernsie, who had her feet on the table while moving around a purple pencil in her hand.

"Besides I'm sure Avery wants to sit next to Sam. So let her."

Sonia looked amused at this interaction and shook her head eagerly before getting out of the seat to head over to Kernsie.

"Your so right. It's only fair the weird gay people stay with each other anyways."

I scowled and sat down.

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