Chapter 15(Sams house of horrors)

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I walked up to Sam's house. It was a fairly big house with black shutters and white walls. I could hear loud music coming from the inside. I felt the ground shake beneath me. As if the earth itself was aggravated at the fact there was a party going on. I walked up to the door and knocked.
Sam opened the door. Her face was adorned with cheap makeup and heavy mascara. She wore a tight black dress that showed her cleavage. She stepped closer to me, and I could smell the high amount of perfume on her.
She's trying way to hard to be sexy.
"Why invite me to your house and not tell me your having a party?"
I practically yelled at Sam as music blared in the background. Sam grinned wide and I could hear her say my name before dragging me in the house.
"I forgot to tell you I'm having a party for Kernsie today!"
Sam tightly hugged me. Then proceeded to kick the door behind us closed.
"I thought it would be nice to get out of the house and to get away from your witch of a mother."
My eyebrows shot up in mildly confusion.
But then I remembered that everyone knows everything about me because of Sonia.
"What we're you trying to tell me outside the school today?"
Sam frowned at my questioning. "I wanted to tell you that Sonia and Clarisa posted some nasty things about you on instagram. I accidentally liked one of the posts thinking it was funny."
Sam winced as she told me this,
"I'm sorry. You should really look at the posts. There quite a few of them."
I rolled my eyes.
"I deleted all my social media so I don't care."
Sam looked startled at this then a little perplexed.
"Why would you do such a thing? Wouldn't it be better for you to know what people are saying?"
Sam's red hair framed her face. Her eyes bore into my mine as if looking for an answer that I couldn't provide with my words.
"No not really."
Sam stared at me. A mix of confusion and frustration, but then proceeded to take out her phone. She showed me one of the posts on Sonia story.
It showed a picture of me sitting next to a girl with green eyes and a brown curly mess of hair. The caption read: Even in elementary school Avery was a bitch. She used to harass this girl named Serenity Jones all throughout the 5th grade. Remember, people like Avery never change and now she has come to shit all over the kids of Wilson High school.

I scrolled down to read comments from a dozen people claiming I'm some type of disgusting and evil person.
I pushed Sam's phone out of my face. The angry I felt in my stomach crept up into my throat, but I pushed it down and looked Sam dead in the eye.
"I don't care."
Sam mouthed "oh" in a mocking way and shook her head as if she understood.
Kernsie stumbled in behind Sam with a drink in her hand. She wore a blue dress that puffed out at the ends and showed a little cleavage. She wore a birthday crown that said sweet 16.
She looked pretty, even with all that makeup. The sides of her eyes were laced with blue eyeliner and she wore red lipstick that made her look like some type of Fenty model. She dragged Sam into her arms for a hug then looked at me and scowled.
"Um who invited you?" She knit her eyebrows in mildly annoyance.
"Sam did?"
Sam looked between us, then waved her hands in Kernsie's face. "I thought it would be nice if she got out of the house. Please Kernsie let her stay?"
Sam put her hands together in a pleading way and Kernsie just sighed and rolled her eyes.
"Whatever I don't really care."
She pushed Sam lightly out of the way, and stalked towards me.
"Follow me to my room after the party. I have some papers about Sonia Sam wants to give you."
My eyebrows shot up and I pointed at Kernsie. "She knows?!?"
Sam shrugged. "I tell her everything, and besides once we prove that Sonia is a psychotic killer the whole school will probably know. It's just a shame that your name is going to get dragged through the mud."
I gave Sam a look.
"What does that mean?"
Sam could see my annoyance and quickly stated,
"Nothing it's just that once we prove Sonia to be a killer, everyone will figure out that your not who she is making you out to be."
I shook my head and gave a light smile. "I'm going to get some punch."
I pushed them out of my way. They were both acting strange anyways.
As I made my way to the punch bowl (a pullout table with two bottles of soda on it) I noticed how everyone was watching me.
Maybe they have seen the instagram post?
I started pouring some of the soda, before I heard someone say my name. I turned around expecting either Kernsie or Sam. But neither were in sight, just the people at the party dancing but also turning there heads at me. Just watching me. I got weirded out and decided to walk past everyone as they slowly danced. They weren't even talking just watching me, like how your trying to look at someone but not make it obvious. I got goosebumps and ran upstairs. I opened the door to the nearest room and slammed it. I turned around to find that I was in Sam's room. Makeup and dresses were thrown on the bed, while Sam and Kernsie sat on the edge of the bed. Kernsie was crying, the eyeliner dripping from her eyes and falling onto her dress. Her lipstick was smeared a little, and her hair a little disheveled.
She leaned on Sam as she started crying again before turning around to look at me.
Sam turned around also. They both had a annoyed look on there face. I pointed at Kernsie before declaring, "Looks like you got into a fight with a bear."
Kernsie's face got flushed and she frowned at me before turning back around. Sam waved her hands dismissively at me.
"What do you want? We're a little busy."
"Everyone downstairs is acting weird I think you should go back down there."
Sam patted Kernsie head before saying, "Kernsie give Avery the papers."
Kernsie sniffled and shook her head in agreement. Sam came towards me. "Is all the soda gone?"
I frowned at the stupidity of the question. "No, I don't think so."
Sam walked passed me dismissively. Kernsie got up and shuffled through the drawers before pulling out two yellow papers.
She handed them to me. She looked up at me and I could fully see her face. Her eyes looked swollen as if she had been crying for hours.
"Are you ok?"
Kernsie scowled.
"Do I look ok?"
I laughed. "No not really."
She sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. "You know, this whole thing with you and Sonia, what are you and Sam trying to gain out of it?"
I walked tentatively over to the bed and sat next to her.
"I don't know really. She is really weird and does strange things. And apparently she killed my ex. But besides that I don't really have anything to gain from this. Sam is the one pushing hard to figure this out."
Kernsie smiled. "Sam will always try to figure this out. She won't stop until she gets what she wants."
I glanced over at the papers in my hand. They were filled with useless information about Sonia. That's until I read something uncanny.
Sonia F. Saint Clark is the daughter of police chief Michel Saint Clark.
Underneath that was a picture of them surrounded by a bunch of other police officers. It looked like some sort of group photo.
"Sonia is the daughter of a police chief."
Kernsie smiled. "Yeah, I thought you knew."
"No, this just makes things more interesting."
Kernsie lightly laid her head on my shoulder. I was about to tell her to get off before I realized how nice she smelled. She smelled like cinnamon and honey. I put my hand on her head to comfort her, and she sighed before saying, "I'm so tired of everyone and everything."
Kernsie put her head in hands before looking up at me. "Do you think I'm pretty?"
"I mean yeah...."
Kernsie looked at me. Her brown eyes grew in size, and the blush on her cheeks grew in size. She grinned wide up at me.
She whispered "I like you. You're not like everyone else."
Even though that sentence was uncanny, Kernsie really was pretty. Like a mean girl type of pretty, underneath all that makeup she was something. From the red of her lips to the moon like slenderness of her eyes.
"Yeah thanks."
I looked back down at the papers. Kernsie started moving to get closer to me.
"Did you break up with your boyfriend or something?"
I heard Kernsie mumble, "Something like that."
I decided to get up, but before I knew it Kernsie pulled me back down and kissed me.
I pushed her off of me and got up, hitting my back against Sam's dresser drawer.
"What the hell?"
Kernsie looked so startled at my reaction, she bolted out of the room and down the stairs.

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