Chapter 16 (I love crazy)

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I left Sam's house in mildy horror. Sam called me over 10 times, and left me 5 voicemails.
I ignored everyone. I locked myself in my room, and pretended I was deaf for the next five hours.
My mom eventually opened the door.
"Your father is on the phone. Come downstairs and talk to him."
I heard the scrap of the door on the floor as my mom slammed the door.
I wanted to get up and start throwing things. My life felt like one big joke. I don't understand why these girls keep kissing me. It's not like I'm asking for it. Now my Dads is on the phone and it's honestly the worst time ever to call me.
I opened my room door and walked down the stairs. My mother stood by the house phone with her hands on her hips.
"Whatever Tod. Yeah here she comes."
My mom handed me the phone, and went back into the kitchen.
I heard breathing then the familiar voice of my father filled the phone.
"Hello darling. How are you?"
I didn't say anything.
"Avery? Sweetie are you there?"
I sucked in a breath and casually started picking at the strings of my jeans.
"You haven't spoken to me in two months."

"I know. And I am sorry. This whole divorce has been a lot for me and your mother. And my job has been my top priority since then, but I promise I'll make it up to you."

"So you couldn't pick up the phone and call me at all? Am I not that important to you?"

"Avery don't be so dramatic. And besides your mother has been telling me you didn't want to talk to me anyways. I called last week and she told me you were too busy to come talk to me. Listen I understand, this is a lot for everyone, and I guess I needed some time to think and reflect but I promise you things will get better. How about this? You can come travel down back to Rhode Island? You can stay with me for the weekend."

I contemplated this for a moment. It would be nice to get away from everything.

"Sure." I breathed into the phone.

"Good. Now give the phone back to your mother." I did what I was told and started making my way back upstairs.

I heard my mom tell my father,
"You know you don't have to sugar coat it. Just admit that you didn't want to call because you know that you cheated on me and you can't stand the fact that I retaliated and took Avery with me."

I swayed on the staircase and felt cold all over, I made my way into my room and locked the door.

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