Chapter 14(Kernsie)

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I spent all day trying to block out everything that's happened to me. The worst thing in high school is to not say anything when shit happens. Staying quiet in my opinion leads to more chaos. Everyone stayed asking me why Clarisa wanted to beat my ass. (I guess Sonia freinds name was Clarisa.) And quite frankly I had no answer. The only thing I had on my mind was eating the sandwich I had safekeeped back in the fridge. I couldn't stand another bite of my moms cooking, it's was like tasting plastic. But I know it would hurt her if I rejected her food. So I stored food around the house so that I could eat it when I get back from school. I made my way to the bus before bumping into Sam. She looked like she had been crying. She turned her full attention onto me, and tried stopping me from going further.
"Avery, Im so sor-"
Sam was intterupted when some girl with thick black hair wearing a tight nude corset type dress grabbed her shoulders.
"You know Sam I hate when you just walk away from me like that-". She stopped short when she looked at me. Her heavy eyeliner and mascara masked the tears that drained from her eyes.
"Are you guys ok?" I asked hesitently.
Sam poked me in my chest. "Are you ok? We heard what happened."
I shurgged. "I could care less about rumors about me being gay. Or people wanting to beat
me up."
The girl with the mascara scoffed. "Sounds like your used to this happening to you?"
I lifted my eyebrows. "Maybe I am."
Her eyes grew big as if startled by my reaction. Then she smiled wide like a cat. I could see the crinkles underneath her eyes, as her tear stained face turned a pinkish hue.
"Walk us to our car then, since your fearless in the face of danger." She motioned for me to follow her and Sam as they made their way out the door.
I shrugged and walked ahead of them to my bus.
"Well isn't she just charming." I heard that girl say before I got on my bus.

Before I walked through the door I could hear crashing  and loud screaming from behind the door. I pushed the door open and saw my cousins lifting every vase and piece of expensive cutlery off the shelves and onto the ground. My mother and aunt sat at the table, with two glasses of wine and some magazines.
My aunt saw me and motioned for me to come into the kitchen.
"Look who's got all pretty and tall since I've lasted seen her."
My aunt grabbed my arm and gave it a light squeeze. My mom poured more wine, and side eyed me.
"She has hasn't she." She sipped her wine. "Darling would you be a dear and take the kids to the park while me and your aunt set up the kids room."
I nodded before heading over to the fridge to grab my sandwich.
"How long will you be staying?" I took a bite out of my sandwich before turning around.
My mom frowned at my questioning while my aunt told me for about two years.
"Two years!" I practically yelled as I spit out my sandwich.
"I'll be graduated from high school by then." My mom nodded. "Yeah, or they could stay forever. I mean it's better to have more people in this house to fill it up."
"But what about Uncle Frank." My aunt rolled her eyes.
"Me and that punk are getting a divorce. So my wallets pretty empty. Your mother offered up living with her as long as I payed half the rent. I think it would be nice to stay with family, and the kids really missed you too."
My mom shook her head eagerly. She clapped her hands and motioned for me to go. I made my way up the stairs, actively avoiding the shards of glass on the floor. I walked through my room door, and decided to call Sam. She was so eager to talk to me. I wonder what she wants to tell me.
I picked up the phone and dialed Sam's number. I sat on my bed and tried to ignore the excessive yelling outside my door.
I put the phone on speaker phone.
"Hello, Sam?"
"Yeah what is it?"
"What were you trying to tell me? When we we're outside of the school?"
I heard crashing sounds come from the phone. Then Sam rapidly cursing.
"Uh Sam you ok?"
I heard a grunt and more cursing before Sam hung up the phone.
"Hello! Sam!"
I looked at the phone to see Sam's contact information before throwing it on my bed in frustration.
I walked over to my desk to shuffle through some papers. I was looking at some old schoolwork before I heard a ring from my phone. I approached the bed and grabbed the phone which showed a text from Sam.

In trouble. Can't talk on phone. Please ask your mom if you can come to my house.
361 Mullberry lane.

I glanced at the text message before hearing more crashing and screams coming from downstairs. I headed out of the room to see what the commotion was. My mother and aunt were giggling and swirling around the wine in their cups as the kids literally tore up the house.
I walked into the kitchen while pointing at my cousin throw a plate on the floor.
"Um hello!?!"
My aunt followed my gaze and then proceeded to yell at my cousins and told them to go straight to there room.
My mom laughed and said it's alright because I'll be the one cleaning it up.
"Um actually can I please go to a freinds house? I forgot to tell you but she wants to have a sleepover with me."
My mom ran a hand down her face before pinching the bridge of her noise in contempt.
My aunt spoke up.
"Let her go Marcy. Besides it's good for teenagers to get out of the house. And I'm glad actually, your making new freinds and going out like you used too."
My mom puffed out a breath. "Yeah that's the problem. Your way to social. You need to stay in this house and clean. I can't have you all over town like you used to. It's unnecessary and your father shouldn't have let you do it all those years ago. It's time to start setting rules and boundaries again. That's how you raise a proper teenage girl."
My aunt grimaced and gave me a sympathetic look.
She really had the audacity to tell me this. I've been cleaning for the past week I've been in this house. She could let me out one night surely.
"Please mom. I've been cleaning and doing what you ask. Please let me out one night and then I won't go out for the rest of the month."
My mom side eyed me and started considering what I said. She then waved her hands in exasperation before stating that this conversation isn't over.
I ran upstairs and packed a backpack just filled with pants and a tee shirt and my phone before heading out the door. I had some leftover money. I hitched a ride on one of those late night buses and walked my way down to Sam's house.

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