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αuthσur'ѕ pvσ

A man tied on the chair in the dark room the only light is coming from the lamp placed above his head. The color of  his clothes are changed into red colour  of his blood. He is beaten mercilessly by some men wearing black clotges and having high tech weapons with them looking like the soldiers surrounded by the man. His breathing is unsual, his sense seems like get vanished, his vision is blur, he is sweating but more than sweat, he is releasing blood from different parts of his body. After some time the door get open of that room tge man wearing blavk suit with black hair enter in the room he some steps. He stops one of the his man give him chair he sit infront of that man.

The aura of that room change the only sound is coming is the heavy breathing that man is taking unsually with so much struggle.

Man: ( heavy breathing, eye closed.) W..Water... Water i want water....

The man sitting infront of the man lift his hand in air and one if his men give him the mug of very hot water. He splashed that hit water of that man face and he start screaming.

Man: ( scream) Ahhhhhhhhhhh...... No.. Please... No ( he some manage to look up and open his eyes to see  the man infront of him. ) Haechan.......

Haechan: guts to take my name after betrayal us hmmmm... Max..

Max: ( scared) plz leave me. I will never do it again... Please.. Boss one last chance plz..

Hc:  you were working with us from 3 years you know me well. Don't you?

Max: ( nervous ) its my mistake. I betrayal you but please give me one last chance.

Hc: your mistake not only that you betrayal us to think that can do that successfully and thought yourself more smarter than mess your big mistake.

( Haechan take out his small knife from his pocket and dig it in Max hand and then in his thighs he give the wound more deep start roating that knife in his thigh.)

Max: I... I... Know you will kill me but all your 3...3000 weapons which me and my b.. b.. brother steal from you empire will never come back you again you know that( breathing heavily )cause you will never ever able to find.

( but he didn't know that he is playing with fire. He waking the lion inside body. Haechan again by again challenging him even in this condition. Haechan lift his small knife up and pointed on his throat directly.)

Hc: A small piece of shot like you amaze me some time. Now sleep...

( with that he put thek nife inside Max's throat and rotate it there time. He clean his knife from his cloth and put it again at his previous place.)

Hc: clean this and call Jeno in office.

Man: ( with bow and eyes down.) yes boss..


αuthσr'ѕ pvσ

A well buit muscular handsome man having his boxing practice in his privet gym, and aura of that gym totally represent to his dark aura.

The dark colored gym and gray colour equipment's which give shivers to any bidy, and his growl and breathing make that palce mare horrible and creepy.

He is tge beating the boxing bag with no mercy growling again and again like a beast, his man standing little far away from him wit tiwel and water in there hand eyes down and with calmness couse now its their daily routine to see their boss like this now they are habitual.

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