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Mark is now 7 months pregnant . everybody was so happy


Mark come out from the bathroom after doing his night routine , he walk towards the dressing at start applying some lotion on his hands , after few minutes yuta enter in the room with smile and walk towards mark and kiss his forehead , mark smile at him,

mk : go take a shower ,

yt ( smile ); hmm, you did it already ?

mk: yeah,

yt ( hug him from behind ) : why ? didn't I told you to not do it alone ,

mk (lean on him ): its ok , I am alright yuta

yt ( kiss mark's neck ) : still love , your protection is my first priority , and now we going to be a parents , I don't want to take any risk

mk ( smile ): I'll take care of it next time , sorry ( little pout )

yt ( creeses his cheeks } : no need to say sorry , just take care next time ok?

mk: yeah,

yt : ok I'll take shower too , otherwise you will call me stingy and again ask me to sleep on couch,

mk ( pout ) : how many time you going to tease me for that,

yt ( chuckle ): but you said that ( walk in bathroom )

Mark giggle and again started applying the lotion,

After some time -

Yuta come out from the bathroom and saw mark is laying on the bed waiting for him to cuddle as always , he smile and drop the wet towel on the bed and walk towards the dressing to dry his hairs , mark frown and get up , he place one hand on bed and other holding his belly , and watching yuta with cold expression , yuta look at him from the mirror and internally gulp

yt (in mind ) : now what I have done ?

He clear his throat and keep doing his work pretending he didn't saw mark's cold expressions.

mk(sign ) : am I your servant ?

yuta is so taken back from his words , he nervously laugh and look back.

yt ( nervous ) : what ...what happen love ?

mk (sign): am.in. Your . Servant ?

yt ( gulp ) : no love what are you saying ?

mk : then how many time I have to told you not to put the wet towel on th bed but still its your daily routine

yuta hurriedly run and grab the towel and put it on his shoulder.

mk : am I joke to you, ?

yt ( shake his head ) : no baby ...

mk : I am observing you that you are not taking me seriously

yt ( internally panic ) : its not like that Markie

mk : so, I'm lying

yt ( disbelief panic ) : I didn't say like that

mk: but you said me liar just now .

yt ( disbelief ) : I have never said that Markie , I just said its not like that

mk : its same , you said me liar

yt : god ! Markie ( he sit next to mark and cup his face ) I didn't said you liar love

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