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Jn(insist ) : baby one more , just last one ,

Jm ( whining ) : no Nono , tum tum is full see

pull up his shirt only to show  his cute little tummy to jeno who chuckle and to see his baby’s little tummy .

Jn( smile ) :but baby it’s a last one, ?

Jm ( pout and shake his head ) : Noooooooo...

yt ( while checking some files ) : don’t force him, he will eat again after some 2 time , right minie?

jm( cutely nodded ): yesh,

jn: he also didn’t drink his peach milk so to compensate that he should  eat more now

hc( eyes close laying on couch ) : nana don’t listen to him come to me,

They all present in the hall when door bell rings , one maid went and open the door , revealing mark and Renjun standing their with unreadable face expression , maid bow to them with smile and give them space to enter in the
house, as they enter , yuta eyes fall on his husband and he give him his dimple  smile and walk towards him to welcome him from his warm hug , while haechan smile eyes still close , he know his husband arrive , even when he didn’t
Saw him.

yt ( about hug ) : how are you love , finally you are back

But Renjun block his path , yuta frown at his little brother in law with questionable smile.


everybody look at them at get up from their place , haechan frown and open his  eyes after listening his husband words his harsh tone.

yt ( frown ) : what happen jun ?

Renjun is greeting his teeth and tears can anytime come in his eyes , and mark  is looking at yuta with hurtful and moist eyes , which is giving shiver in yuta soul in real .

hc ( walk towards to them ): Renjun ? What happen ?

rj ( look at haechan with anger ) : aren’t you tired of your acting ?

Nomin come towards them , Renjun saw them and walk to them to snatch Jaemin's hand from jeno  , who got furious and angry .

jm ( low voice ) : little  moomin

jn ( controlling ) : enough Renjun , what is this behavior , and how dare you take my husband from me,

Jeno  love Jaemin so much, he can’t think of anything now except that Renjun .

hc ( sigh and control himself ) : hey my  sunflower , are you perhaps angry on me, If by  mistake I have done something wrong then we will solve it , don’t say like that  to them ,

rj ( tear form in his eyes but still anger in them ) : yeah you have done  something , but its not by mistake ,

yt ( confuse ) : will you just come to the point please

mk ( turn towards yuta  ) : DID YOU MARRY ME FOR LITTLE FLOWER (orphanage name)

All mafia went silent , shiver run in each of them spins , they are beyond  shocked how mark get to know about that , even when they themselves forgot about that, they all never talk about little flower, after their marriage , they are so in love with their husbands that they forgot that they marry with for that place.

Yuta  looking at mark eyes , sadness , fear and guilt are clearly seen in his eyes, mark  don’t find any dominancy on his dark orbs , Renjun is looking at haechan with sad a and angry eyes where haechan is looking down with frown and sadness in his  heart , jungwoo , Lucas and chenle are looking at their brothers with concern because they know the truth that their brother love their husband so much , Jaemin is looking every one with his cute doe eyes , not known what going on  And jeno  ,the only thing which is running in his mind is , “ now they will take my Jaeminie with them , they will separate me with my baby , my petal will go away from me now, my baby please don’t go , please my love don’t leave your Nono , no don’t go please” he is so afraid to loose his husband his baby,  that he can’t thing straight .

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