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After spending their time in orphanage Mr.jung and his sons come back to their house having different feelings their heart and mafias went to their mansion.

Mr.jung have to take this  crucial  steps to marry his angles to those mafias. Mark is freely depending on someone's dominating aura. Yuta  heart is beating for someone's submissive nature. Renjun want to stops his beating heart for sake of his responsibility forward his brothers. Haechan want to take a beautiful  responsibility on his hands. Jaemin is carving to engulf himself in someone's arm. Jeno wnt to shrugged of this new  feeling building inside his heart prevent  to someone's innocence. Everyone  is fighting for  their feeling from their own feeling and Mafias are start feeling their heartbeats.

At dinner time

Mr.jung and his sons having their dinner. Mark and Renjun serve the food and take their seats. Mark make Jaemin's plate and give him glass of milk also. But suddenly  Mr.jung said something and their eyes go wide.

Mr.jug:( deep sigh ) sons, I have  arrange to your marriage and it's in two days.

Mark and Renjun shoked and Jaemin look ing at them with his innocence and comfortable eyes.

Rj: appa, what are you saying and  I told you that we never hd  any talk about that.

Mr.jung: son, please... listen to me and  understand me

Mark:(sotly) appa, but why so early. I am even not ready for marriage. I don't want to leave you guys.

Mr Jung: I am not only talking about you baby, I am talking about three of you

Rj: appa, please don't do that , please think about nana at least. How will he live without us.

Mr.jung: three of you going to same house.you further husbands are brothers.

Rj:( gulp) a big no , appa..

Mr.jung:( softly with tear eyes) sons, I have never demand anything from you in my whole life. I have give you everything.what ever you want, if it is possible for r. After your mother , you all are my only hope live. I love you so much and I even can die for you. But today your father is asking something from his son's can't you give it to me.please sons.

Rj:( soft cries) appa, please don't cry , I can't see you like this

Mk:( crying) please appa... don't cry please..

Mr.jung: please son just don't ask , please marry them

Rj: I will ...I accepted

Mk: yes...I can do it for you appa, I can't see you like this. Don't beg..I accepted

Jaemin come and sit his appa's lap and hug him.

Jm:( crying) don't cry appa, nana is sad..I can do it for you.. don't cry nana is sad

Mr.jung: ( crying) thanks my sons..I love you so much

Mr.jung hug his sons and kiss their forehead.

Mk: apa, take rest now please

Mr.jung: yes son

He again kiss their forehead and went to his room.

Rj: Mark hyung..

Mk: I am okay Renjunie..

Jm:( pout) Markie...I am soooo sleepy..

Rj: Mark hyung, let's sleep and you also take some rest

Mk: hmm

Author 's pvo..

Mark and Renjun bring Jaemin in his room and feed his medicine and make him sleep on his bed with his bobo. now both of them are placing jaemin's toys in their place as he spread them in whole room. After collecting and putting them on their place mark sit on bed near Jaemin and creases his hairs. He is in his thoughts and some tears start forming in his eyes but he come out from his thoughts when some soft fingers swipe his tears from his cheeks.

Mark look up to see Renjun is looking at him with love and care in his eyes. Renjun swipes mark's tears and sit beside him. He held mark's both hands and lift mark's face up softly which was hanging down.

Rj:( softly) hyung please, don't cry, you know I can't see tears in your and jaeminie's eyes.. please

Mk:( sobbing) I am not strong, I am scared as a elder brother I ci do anything for you and Jaemin.

Rj:( softly kiss mark's forehead) no hyung.. you're strong. You're the strongest in our family.after mom you take care of us so well. You always cool my anger in second. You are the only person who can make Jaemin's stop crying. You are the only person who make Jaemin understand when he being stubborn. You always make sure we all had our food or not. You take care of dad health,take care of Jaemin health, you even take care of me and my tantrums. How can you be weak hyung.. you're strongest here

Mark stare at Renjun with loving eyes, sobbing mess now. He look at Jaemin at put his hand again on jaemin's head

Mk:( softly) Renjun, why spp is doing this. How will Jaemin face all this?

Rj:( look at Jaemin and again to mark) hyung, Frist time appa is asking something from us, it's hard to deny his decision.but I believe him he always choose best for us and about Jaemin. He told us earlier that they are brothers. So we are going to live together. We will always with Jaemin whole time.

Mk:( look at Renjun with concern eyes) but what if jaemin's husband didn't treat him well . I can't see you and Jaemin face any problem and get hurt. You know it's hard to see you both sad. What if he will treat Jaemin inappropriately.

Rj:( angry but look cute) then I will chop his head, I will make him regret to do something with my brother. I will put my finger in his eyes and make him blind for his entire life. ( Mark smile at Renjun's cuteness and calm his down)

Mk:( soft smile) calm down, calm down Renjunie ...why angry now..he didn't do anything yet

Rj:( look at Mark and smile) you look good when you smile, hyung just don't worry and we are together hmm..

Mk:( smile) hmm..we have to do this for appa..

Rj:( confuse) but Markie hyung, we haven't seen them yet.

Mk:( look at Jaemin) I think it doesn't matter now. Appa, already decided everything.

Rj:( confuse) but hyung, isn't it really fast like, appa didn't told us anything.

Mk:( look at Renjun and cup his face from his left hand) we don't have guts to ask him about it, after seeing his tears today.

Renjun nodded and sigh. Renjun hugged mark and burry his head on his chest.

Rj:(pout) Markie, let's sleep together.

Mk: ( kiss his head) ok baby..

Mark kiss jaemin' s forehead and they lay beside Jaemin with Jaemin in middle.


This chapter is short...
Let's meet next chapter..

Happy birthday Jaemin-ah

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Happy birthday Jaemin-ah.....

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