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Jeno sitting in his personal office in the mansion , on his huge king sized chair seems so perfect for his big build body and mafia dark aura, they are mafia king but also business men , so they have so many official work rather than playing in blood , he is working and checking some file with his serious face , eyes on laptop and sometimes on file, Only sound is coming in that room of turning papers , but this official silence breaks when a door open and cute little fluffy doll come inside with his puppy plushie in one hand and a big size chocolate bar in other hand which his chenle hyung gave him few minutes before , and without even looking at that direction jeno lift his hand towards that fluffy baby because obliviously he can feel his husband’s presence even if he is sleeping , still looking at laptop jeno sign Jaemin to come towards him and Jaemin with his doe eyes look at his Nono and than his laptop and slowly come towards him and sit on his lap, and kept his head on jeno’s chest looking at the laptop what his Nono is doing ,Jeno turn his serious eyes towards jaemin which immediately became soft and a warm smile plastered on the mafia’s face , jeno wipe some chocolate from Jaemin face and lips and kiss his forehead afterwards.

Jn ( removing some hairs from Jaemin’s forehead ) : what happen love ?

Jaemin didn’t said anything and again keep his left cheek on jeno’s chest and bite his chocolate.

Jn ( smile ) : what happen bubee will you not tell Nono why my baby is down ?

Jm( sad voice and pout ) : nana  is getting board and nana missing his toys and bobo also, Doggie also don’t have friends ,

Jeno heart clench at jaemin's words he remember how he burn his every toy that day , he close his eyes and take a deep, jeno lift Jaemin up and make him sit him on his lap more comfortably.

That  Jaemin’s legs and circled around jeno’s waist and he keep Jaemin’s hand on his shoulder , he hold Jaemin’s tiny waist from one hand and from other he cresses his cheek softly.

Jn ( softly ) : love~....(  Jaemin lift his long eye lashes up to meet his deep ocean eyes with jeno’s dark orbs ) I am sorry please forgive your Nono..

Jn ( cup jeno’s face in his tiny hands ) : it's ok Nono  (jeno heart flutter at jaemin’s cute action )

Jn ( hold Jaemin ‘s hand and kiss them ) : bub, you are such an angel , every time you make me fall for you more ,

Jm ( bunny smile ) : yes nana is angel , mark hyung also say same ( proud nana  face )

Jeno chuckle and kiss Jaemin lips just to take a chocolate taste which tae is eating.

Jm( pout ) : Nono , I am getting bore whole day,

Jn ( pull him closer and start swing him like a baby ) : so what my petal wants,

Jm ( surprise and cutely ask ) : you will give nana anything ?

Jn : just say what you want and its will be in you feet at next moment,

Jaemin giggle and take a bite of his chocolate and also feed jeno  who happily eat it .

Jn ( cutely thinking ) : ammm..... Nono..i want more toys so that doggie also not feel alone.

Jn: ok done , we will go for shopping today after lunch ok , and you can buy as much toy You want, fine

Jm ( clap his hands like a baby ) : yesh...... we will go for shopping

Jaemin excitedly grab jeno’s collar and meet his soft plumpy pink lips with jeno’s one and start kissing them cutely and jeno  smile internally and let his baby do whatever he is doing with him.

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