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Luca was standing in the balcony of the mansion , looking at the stars , his eyes are telling that how badly he is stopping his tears to fall down, he is in the deep thoughts , holding the cold railing looking up the moonlight striking on small's face and eyes shinning like pearls , he was so into his thoughts at that he flinched when someone hug him from behind , when he realized the owner of those strong arms he relax and put his head back on his shoulder ,

lc : you should sleep its late ,

jw : you should sleep its late ,

lc ( sigh ): I am not sleepy,

jw ( sigh like lucas ) : I am not sleepy,

lc ( smile lightly ) : yaaaaaa ! Don't imitate me

jw ( smile ) : yaaaaaa! Don't imitate me

lc ( sigh and look down ) : I ..I.. just ......sad jungwoo, I miss dad ( tear fall from his eyes , jungwoo turns him around and wrap his left arm on his waist from another hand wipe his tears )

jw ( kiss Lucas head ) : you know I can see anything but not tears in your eyes Its feel like failure ,

Lucas look up and hug him tightly sobbing in his chest , being a mafia still soft hearted person .

lc : i have some fade memories in my head of me and mom , I remember she used to feed me from him own hands , I even remember the warmth of himkiss and hugs,

jw: I know you miss him very much,

lc : everybody loves me , my brothers , appa , ....(smile ) YOU ..but ....( sob) but.....

jw( cresses his back and sigh ) : no one can take father's place ,

lc ( cry and buried his face his jungwoo's chest ) : I miss dad very much, He Was best person,

jw( smile ) : He is with you yukhei , He is watching his cute baby , and I am sure he is not liking these tears in his baby's eyes ,

lc ( cutely and innocently ) : really ~

jw ( kiss and pull off from hug and wipe his tears aways gently ) : really , and I am also sure he only want his angel to smile and be happy always, So stop crying now and remember she is always with you,

Lucas smile listening to jungwoo words and hug him again )

jw( chuckle ) : sometime I wonder how can this cute baby can be dangerous mafia

lc ( dark deep voice ) you want to know how ?

jw ( gulp ): I am just joking , -

lc( control his laugh ): me too

Lucas laugh at jungwoo scared face, and Jungwoo internally admire his boyfriend laughing while applying fake scared face which is looking funny to Lucas.

jw: so your highness , if its enough laughing then lets go to sleep, its late

lc ( running like a child and imitating jungwoo like always ) : so you highness, if its enough laughing then lets go to sleep . Its late, ~

Jungwoo chuckle and shake his head and walk behind him.


Mark enter in the room and close it gently , he look front where yuta is standing near the window looking up in the night sky , he was smoking his cigarette but when he feel mark's presence in the room , he inhale it last time and gently crushed it and put it in the crushing bowl without looking back , mark look At him and then walk to the bathroom to change in comfy cloths .

MAFIA'S HEARTBEAT•NCT •NOMIN:RENHYUCK :YUMARK FF☑️Where stories live. Discover now