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Next morning in Mafia' s office

Jw: its being impossible to own that land. He will never agree to give tht place to us at any cost.

Hc: nothing is impossible for us.

Jn: that place is very important for our next project.

Jw: absolutely and if someone else take that place and it will give high profit and power. Many other Mafia' s are after that place. If somehow they have it. Then it will enhance their gang power.

Yt: let them come with information. Then decide what to do next. That place should be in our hand at any cost. By hook or crook.

??: its not easy boss....

Two men enter in the cabin. One have a poker face and another have smile on his face. A smily man push another man and go near Haechan.

??: yo boss hyung..( stared crying dramatically and hug Haechan forcefully) i missed you all so much..( sniffing ) why you always send me far from you boss..( go near Jeno how are you boss? How you survive without me.

Jn:( rolled his eyes ) leave me you idiot

Jw:( smile ) chenle, its just yesterday morning we all meet.

Chenle:( swipe his fake tears and sit near Jungwoo ) yes, but i know you all miss me brotger-in-low..

??: ( rolled his eyes ) no one miss a idiot like you. I don't know how this brainless creature is my brother.

Jw: ( calmly) Lucas, stop it. He is your younger brother.

Cl: ( smirk) yes, brother-in -low is correct. Respect me sometime otherwise. I wil tell him your every childhood secrets. And you will never get a place to dig your embarrassing face from him. Hahaha..

Lucas:( shocked) i will kill you idiot...

Lucas and chenle are brothers. Yuta, jeno, haechan ans jungwoo's fathers train them when they were kids. And keep them in gang. They work for mafia but they treat like own brothers. Chenle is full loving but lucas is not talk with everyone. He has crush on Jungwoo. He like Jungwoo and Jungwoo hope too. But they didn't  officially confess. That's why chenle tease lucas by calling Jungwoo brotger-in-low and Jungwoo also don't mind it.

Yt:(deep huskey voice ) done with drama.. Start main work.

Hc:( sipping his wine ) so, what you got..

Lc:( serious face ) this time situation is not in our hand.

Cl:( serious face ) boss, we have find everything about him and lucas hyung is right. The place is hard to get.

Jn:( frown ) what do you mean?

Yt: then ask their sons  and give them as much amoint they want.

Hc:yes, increase the amount of money for them.

Cl:(sigh) no hyung, they are not like normal and easy as you think. They are different

Jn:what do you mean?

Lc:means, once you three will see and get know them, it will hard for you too hurt them by any how.

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