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AT 2:30 am —

Jaemin was sleeping peacefully but suddenly his sleep got disturbed when he didn’t feel his favorite warmth and cuddles , he slowly open his eyes and sit on the bed , wiping his eyes from his cute little fist look other side of the bed but no one is their , he look around the room but and find only him , he got up from the bed , he is wearing white loos shirt and baby blue color boxers , only.

He take his puppy plushie is his arms and walk towards the bathroom , and open the door,

Jm ( cutely ) : Nono? ..... Nono? .....

When he didn’t got any answer he eyes became teary , he walk towards the door and walk out from the room , he walk downstairs while taking small little steps on the stairs its is easy for him because mansion’s lights are still on , only because Jaemin hate darkness , He walk down slowly and stand in middle on the living room. His innocent eyes are moving in whole living room ,

Jm: Nono?

He again take jeno’s name but no response , but then Jaemin heard some sound , he look at that direction and walk towards it , with his little steps and puppy plushie still in his hand,

Jaemin stand in front of the door and open it easily because door was not locked , listening to those sound he walk further.He walk and saw the stairs , coming down, the sound became more clear and now with that someone's breathing sound is also coming , Jaemin walk towards the room and opened the door slowly.

Jeno’s pvo ..

After coming from the mall I  was feeling little horny towards jaemin well it is not first time but today it is being hard for me , and I know he will going to ask me so many question about that sense we saw in the washroom , so to avoid his questions I  make him sleep early , I tried to sleep but it is not working today , I was feeling hot and horny so I came to my gym to divert my mind,

I was continuously punching the boxing bag wearing only my gray trouser , but then I fee someone’s presence , I frown and stop my work looking towards the direction of the door, and my whole body freeze, my angel is standing on the door , wearing only a white loose shirt and boxers , having his puppy toy in his arms which he never kept away from him, My baby is looking at me with doe eyes and then I  observe some pearls in his ocean eyes.

Author's pvo

Jeno remove his bandages from his hands and clean his hands from the towel , he walk towards jaemin , pick him up from his underarms and take him in his own arms like a baby, He then walk to the side chair in the sit while taking Jaemin in his lap.

Jn( wipe Jaemin tears ) : what happen baby , why my baby have tears in his eyes today hmm?

Jm( little sob } : you wear not in the room , when I  wake up , I thought you leave me, I was so scared ( looking down and still sobbing )

Jn( smile and kiss Jaemin’s lips } : hey petal , look at me ( Jaemin look up slowly ) I am hear , and why you thought I can leave you ( kiss Jaemin’s eyes )can heart leave its beat ( Jaemin nodded  to no .he  kiss i’s nose ) Can rose leave its fragrance ( Jaemin again nodded as no . He  kiss Jaemin’s cheek ) can moon leave its moonlight ( Jaemin nodded as no , he  kiss Jaemin’s lips ) can my Jaeminie leave his peach ice-cream ( Jaemin giggle and said no ) then how can Nono leave his nana.

Jm ( hug jeni ): but I was scared,

Jn( creeses Jaemin’s hair ) : ok am sorry , I nwill not leave you alone on bed from now

Jm : hmm

Jn: love lets go to room, its still mid night want to sleep more

Jm( snuggle in jeno’s neck ) : hmm

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