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Mark and Jaemin are in Jaemin’s bedroom , where is pleading to his cute little baby bunny to have his lunch and pouty Jaemin is sitting with angry face with cross arms on his chest .

Mk ( pleading ) : Jaemin baby please eat something , you also have to eat your medi also after that,

Jm ( pout more ): no, nana  will not eat anything , take it away ( push plates away )

Mk( sigh ) : Jaemin its enough now , have your food come on, are you not going to obey Markie hyungie now

Jm ( whine ) : but nana don’t want to, nana  is sad ( angry face )

Mk (cup Jaemin’s face ) : nana  is not eating food ,
nana is also not telling why he is sad , then ‘ how will hyungie get to know , what happen to my baby prince,

Jm ( tear eyes ) : where is everyone today hyungie ? (But then suddenly Renjun enters in the room with smile on his face )

Rj ( while coming towards them ) : what is going on without me ( pout ) now you two , are enjoying and loving each other without you lovely lovely moomin ( fake cry and sit next to them  mark and Jaemin giggles and go with flow.

Mk( hug Jaemin to his chest ): yes , I am giving my love to my bunny only you go and love your books,

Jm ( pout ): yes , Junie don’t come to me now only busy is books now

Rj ( dramatic gasp ) : oh my Jesus , I  have done such a big crime , how can i  ignore my two cupcakes ,I  am so bad ( hide is face on his small hands and start fake crying ) please forgave me my cutie cutie babies

Mark and Jaemin giggle.

Mk(  clear his throat ) : well we can forgave you , but in one condition right bunny ?

Jm ( giggle and stand on bed and cross his arms ): yesh,

Mark chuckle at jaemin’s cuteness and Renjun exited face.

Rj( hold Jaemin’s hand so that he won’t fall ) : so what I have to do, my lord ?

Jm( thinking face ) : mmmmm....yesh you have to ask mark hyung that Jaemin will not eat these , bad medicines , yesh.

Mark and Renjun gasp and look at their clever little bear with shocked face , they both look at each other and shake their heads , then Renjun pull Jaemin on bed and both of then start tickling him and he is laughing badly.

Mk( still tickling Jaemin) : soooo smart bunny..

After few seconds they stop , Renjun lift Jaemin is put his head on his chest , and cresses his Hairs to calm him .while mark is looking at them with smile , then mark take the plate again and make a bite and put front of  Jaemin mouth , who pout but at the end eat it making both of smile in satisfaction .

Rj( cresses Jaemin's hair ) : this little kitty is such a naughty now a days , like some one is spoiling you day by day hmm ?

Jm ( suddenly Jaemin stop munching his food and look at mark ): markie , where are others today?

when Jaemin ask this Renjun also look at mark because , today mafia kings are not at home from the morning , mark  is the one , who taking with them nicely , yes in these days some changes  occur , like mark start taking yuta and haechan , but with jeno he is still little mad , but not that much , Renjun talk with  haechan , only when he have to study for his exam ,and haechan never leave any chance to spend with him, and with  Nomin  , Jeno come in Jaemin room every day and spends time with his baby , but only when no body is around , well mark  know about this but not Renjun.

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