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Next morning

Mark enters in the kitchen in the early morning just to see some maids are getting to start making breakfast. when they see mark in the kitchen they widen their eyes and bow to him fully 90 degree just got little nervous as  he is not habitual to these things he  bow to them a Little too show his gratitude towards them as the maids a old than him he was about to say something when Bujji enters in the kitchen and said

Bujji : (bow and smail) Your Majesty,why you work up so early.you take rest and if you did something just tell any worker here you don't have to come here, my lord

Mk:(smile and bow to her too and said softly) it's okay Bujji.. I don't need rest. I am fine and i always get up early in the morning..

Buji:( smile ) as you say master, you wait on the dining table. We will make breakfast for you.

Mk: no buji, you can do what you were doing. I will make breakfast. And don't call me master. You're like a grandmother to me. You can call me mark. I will be happy please.

Buji:( look at mark fondly and love in her eyes) but son you don't have to have to work there are so many workers here

mark :(smail and take some vegetables)  its ok Bujji I love to cook for my brothers and now I have large family I will cook for them to you don't worry please

Buji: my son god bless you

that in the garden for her work again and start making breakfast for all

Mark:( softly ) can you please show me where the all ingredients  and things are placed in the kitchen.

Maid1:( smile) yes sir

Mk:( smike) thank you

With that mark start making breakfast. He make many things in very less time. He love it and he is best in it.

After 1 hour

Mark complete making breakfast. All the maids put breakfast on the dinning table and cleaning his hand mark come out kitchen and went to dining table just to see Lucas and Jungwoo sitting there and discussing something he went to near them and they say quite smile appear on lucas and jungwoo face. They stand up and wish mark good morning.

lucas:(smile )good morning markie

Jw:(smile and bow) good morning mark

mk:( smile and in law voice) good morning

Lc:  why you got up so early You should take some rest mark

Mk:( smail) no its okay I am fine and Me renjun and Jaemin have habit to wake in the morning.so it's okay

Jw: ( smile) alright well,were is Jaemin and RenJun

he was about to say something but then Mafia Kings come to the dining table all mates present in the dining hall bore to them and lucas and jungwoo wish them good morning.haechan And jeno searching for someone and yuta  watching mark intensely

Lc:(confused) where  renjun and jaemin...they should have breakfast. Haechan, jeno you should also bring them with you

Hc:( take seat and say with straight face) he is not in the room

Jn:( cold face ) not him also

Lc:( confused ) then where is a they?

Mk:( low voice ) actually renjun get of early to do his morning is studies and jaemin.. Jaemin..maybe annoying him right now.I will go and call them

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