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Author's pov

Its already one week for their marriage , yuta and mark became more close as mark Is comfortable with him, they both share kiss and warm hugs but not more than that yuta don't force mark for anything as he know he ts shy and sometimes got scared whenever he get little intimate .

Haechan and Renjun relation is same. Renjun don't miss any the chance to say bad words to Haechan and make him realize again and again that he done a mistake by force his appa for this marriage. But Haechan never say anything to him as somewhere he know he is in fault and his heart never allow him to say something to Renjun. even when Renjun go really harsh on him.

Jeno is as usual cold towards Jaemin and always stay away from him and even scold him sometime. when they are in there room so that Jaemin stay far from him , he make himself like a stone towards jaemin. Even when his heart is saying something else , but jaemin never feel bad from his Nono words , he never stops kissing and hugging Jeno he always request Jeno to play with him. which Jeno never accepted till now , jaemin always ask Jeno to cuddle him but no he never get , he ask Jeno to feed him sometimes but he never feed him , Jeno became cold towards tae day by day.

Jungwoo, Lucas and Chenle sometime make jeno understand , but everybody know his anger , so its bad to mess with him , Mark and Renjun. sometime notice jeno behavior with Jaemin is not good and this is making them worried because they know this type of behavior can effect tae mind so they always try to cheer him up. Renjun don't like jeno because of his this behavior and he sometime talk back with him , but mark always stop him because he know that these marriages need time to adjust , and we cant force someone like this , they take care of Jaemin even more , sometime yuta and haechan also didn't like jeno's cold nature towards jaemin so , they also make Jaemin laugh and smile when they are alone so that Jaemin don't feel scared or bad.


Mark is arranging breakfast on the table and maids are helping him . Jungwoo and Lucas came there and give mark a warm smile. and give mark a warm smile,

Luwoo nodded and sit on there seats , haechan  and jenoalso reach and sit on there seats, but haechan is looking around like finding something , jungwoo notice it

jw ( while eating and without looking at haechan ) : he went to college for some work

jw ( while eating and without looking at haechan ) : he went to college tor some work

Hc( look at jungwoo and furrow his eyebrows) : but how he go alone , like that , how many time i have to tell you don't tell them alone its not safe so.

Lc( chuckle ) : relax bro, chenle is with renjun don't worry .

Haechan nodded , even he want to be the one who should take renjun where ever he want to go but he know very well that Renjun never go anywhere with him but its relief that chenle is with him )

Yuta come near breakfast table and give a soft glance to mark and sit on his seat, mark smile softly and serve him his breakfast , and also sit next to him , they start eating there breakfast.

Lc( smile ) : well jeno , jaemini have ate his breakfast

jn ( cold face ) : I didn't ask .

Lucas and jungwoo sigh and mark feel little bad but still didnt said anything.

But after sometime , chenle enter in the mansion and run towards breakfast table )

Cl ( serious face ) : boss

all look at chenle and with confuse face )

Jw : what happen chenle

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