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Author’s pov

Renjun open his eyes in the balack  colored dark room the only light that room have is of the table lamp which is placed on the nightstand , he get up from the bed hissing in the pain he felt in his head suddenly , he rub his eyes to adjust the light and then realize what happened.


I  open in my eyes in unfamiliar room , its kind of modern but still creepy , I feel sudden pain in my head but still manage to get up from the bed , why I am here , I  remember I was..........

Rj( wide his eyes )  : Hyung ... Jaemin...where are both of them,

I remember we were on the way to park but suddenly mark  hyung feel dizzy so we went to hospital first , our guards are also with us , and their we get to know that mark  hyung ( smile in tears ) my markie hyung is pregnant .....i am so happy me, nana  and mark  hyung came back to park after hospital as our big baby Jaemin want to play so we sit on the park but I remember suddenly someone Put handkerchief on our face and I  lost my consciousness , I am here but were his mark  hyung and Jaemin , oh my god...

Author’s pov

Renjun got numb at his place when he realize mark  and Jaemin are not with him , he got panicked and walk to the door and start banging it loudly ,

rj ( tears ) : open the door .....someone open this f@cking door , how dare you cage me here , open the door ...mark  hyung ! nana.... anyone listening .....

His throat got dry, he kicked and bang on the door many times but nobody answered he bite his lips and started crying , he slide down on the door and buried his knees on his chest , so many bad thoughts are start displaying on his head.

rj ( tears } : my baby nana , he is just a child he can’t even defend himself ,( crying hard ) my Markie hyung he is pregnant what if someone harm him and his baby , please open the door let me go to my brothers , ( sob ) they are so innocent ....please open the door ( looking his wedding ring)  HAECHAN-AH!

Meanwhile -


Oh god my head is hurting so badly , how I came here , I remember we went to park after hospital.....hospital ..I.. l am preg....pregnant ( happy tears ) my Yuta Hyung is gonna be a father , ( sudden realize the situation ), wait ...( panic } where is Renjun and Jaemin....

Author’s pov —

Mark gulp thinking about his brothers , he know renjun can manage himself but Jaemin , anybody can manipulate him easily he is just a baby.

mk ( tears ) : my baby ...my nana , oh god please help my baby .i wish Renjun is Is with him,

Mark wipe his tears and walk to the door to knock for help but before him the door reveled open and two men enter in the room with dark eyes , he close the door and walk towards mark , mark got afraid and cover his stomach from his both hands ,he is more afraid for his baby now,

mk ( fear ) : who are you ......don’t come near

He was moving back but suddenly his trap and fall down , he move backward until his back hit the wall.

mk: I said who are you and where are my brothers ..? { instead of answer he hear the dark chuckle )

?? 1 ( smirk and act ) : oh your highness , may be you don’t know us but your husband....the mafia king yuta and his brother know us very well,

?? 2 ( bend down close to mark ) : those mafias really got etherea! beauties, I have never seen someone that beautiful in my whole life ( looking at mark intensely who is looking down hugging himself tightly }

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