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Men 1( to men 2) : you go first,

Man 2 smirk nodded is head and walk towards Renjun and come close to him , he bend down, Renjun close his eyes tightly and shrink himself , he is in the corner so can’t able to move back more , he is shivering badly , that men lift is hand and bring it closer to Renjun to touch him , but before it ,someone grab his hand with his broad hands in which the veins are popping up , that men hissed and look up, But can’t see anything because of dark , Renjun open in eyes with shivering body when he
didn’t feel any hand on his , he look up when he feel someone’s presence , and even in dark

he can surely feel who is there , he again look down and put is knees near his chest and buried his face in his knees , the only sound which is coming is Renjun's miserably crying Sound , which digging hole in someone’s heart there .

That person make a tight grip on men 2 hand and push him back like he has no weight, Then he turn towards Renjun , he take off his coat and put it on Renjun who garb it with shaking hands,

??( deep and husky voice ) : TURN AROUND , AND DON’T LOOK BACK

Renjun first get calm from his HUSBAND’S VOICE , yes even Haechan's voice is dangerous that time but still it calm Renjun , he turn around slowly and cover himself with Haechan' s coat.

Haechan  turn around and look at three of them , he has no expression on his face , he is blankly looking at those men who touch his husband

Men 1: hey go from here , don’t ruin our night

Men 3 ( smirk ) : if you also want him too ,then take him after us now go

Three of them start laughing , but don’t know what is coming for Haechan is standing still not giving any answer to them , they got irritated and men 3 shake his head run towards him , and about to punch him, but in blink of eyes , Haechan grab his fist and turn is hand which Couse a crack sound , that men scream badly , which causes shivers in other two's spine , men 3 is screaming in pain , but his screaming sound stop immediately when Haechan grab his neck and turn it around in one go and bone breaking sound come.

His head completely turns back which causes him die on the spot , haechan leave his neck and men 3 fell on the ground with thud , it’s a quick seen but very horrible

Men 1 (got angry and come towards haechan) : you b@stard how dare you touch my brothe...

But before he complete his words , haechan grab his neck from one hand pick him up in air , that his feet is not touching the ground , he can’t able to breath which causes only muffled sound is coming from his mouth, he is shaking is hands and legs in air , because of lack of oxygen, after putting him in air for few minutes haechan throw him on the ground with a loud thud , that his head hit the ground and start bleeding , he start screaming badly so haechan put is foot on his mouth and press it which cut his entire face from Haechan's sharp shoes heel , which causes the scream sound lower but his pain bigger.

Haechan eyes turn to his left side where men 2 is standing , with horrible expression , he whole body is shaking , he is full of sweat , his eyes is fully wide with open mouth , looking at his friends condition, then his eyes with fear turn towards haechan and he gulp, he was about to run , but haechan grab his hand and grab his face from his other hand , haechan dig his fingers in that man face and his face start bleeding badly , then Haechan's eyes turn towards his hand which is in his hand.

He remember this is the same filthy hand , which is going to touch his husband’s purest body , he look at that hand with black expression , then he take out his small knife , which he always put with him , and in just a second he cut that man’s every finger , and throw them away like a garbage , he scream from his lungs can’t able to tolerate that pain,

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