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Mark and lucas are sitting in the living room , the mansion seems to be very quite and peaceful but the peace is no longer when 8 years year old savage queen and 5 years old devil run inside the mansion from their school and exhausted chenle behind them.

yuma ( shout and run towards mark ) :

She hug mark and kiss on his nose make mark and lucas smile at yuma.

Meanwhile luwoo lazily come and trow him self on couch making lucas shake his head and chuckle.

luwoo ( lazily) : teachers are the boring people i have ever seen in my five year of entire life papa

Mark chuckle and lucas roll his eyes on his bratty son.

lc : you always want to copy you daddy , but your this habit is not like him, because he is most talented man and very intelligent

luwoo ( smirk ) : It means i got this from you papa

lc ( gasp ) : how can you say that you brat

mk: well that not wrong though

cl ( sign ) : the most toughest work is to take these two back from school

yuma ( while playing with Mark's finger ): yeah.. yes.. because your fliriting time with jisung unkie will be short.

Everyone gasp and luwoo giggle.

luwoo : i think that too , ( look at lucas ) papa .. when will daddy will come

Lucas was about to say something but before that yuta , jungwoo and jeno enter in the mansion, with their usual cold look but their face immediately change and a bright smile appear on their face when they saw their family , they walk towards them.

luwoo ( make grabby hands towards jungwoo ) : daddy ~

jungwoo ( smile ) : how is your day my cute devil?

luwoo ( hugging him like koala ) : boring !

Everyone chuckle and lucas shake his head jungwoo peck luwoo nose and Lucas's forehead who give him soft smile , yuta was about to sit beside mark but yuma hug mark and glare at yuta cutely.

yuma (jealous ) : you old man, stay away from my papa

yt ( glare back ) : you savage queen , from where i look old to you , I can still make hundred copy of yours

Mark look at him with disbelief and red face while others try not to laugh.

yuma : papa , we will not get him sleep with us from now , he kick in dream

Yuma feel jealous of yuta , Couse he love mark very much, her this feature totally matched with yuta , both jealous and possessive father daughter duo , fristly yuma love yuta more than mark but now she only want her papa. Yuma know its not yuta but mark who have a habit to kick in dreams but still he told everyone that its yuta , he can't say anything to his beloved papa, mark look at yuta with pity eyes who raise his eyebrows on yuma an poke her nose from his own nose

mk(smile ) : ok fine everyone , ( look at mafias and kids ) you all get fresh up and come down for lunch

lc : alright , i call jaemin and his cute puppy

Jn: lucas you wait , i will take them with me

yuma : i am also going to nana and nomin baby

luwoo ( jump from his papa's lap ) : yeah me too, but where is My Renhyuck

jw: he is with his papa.. the will come soon

luwoo : okiee

lucas / Mark ( while going to kitchen ) : go with your dad in your room and get fresh up first

MAFIA'S HEARTBEAT•NCT •NOMIN:RENHYUCK :YUMARK FF☑️Where stories live. Discover now