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🅸︎🅽︎ 🅼︎🅰︎🅵︎🅸︎🅰︎'🆂︎ 🅼︎🅰︎🅽︎🆂︎🅸︎🅾︎🅽︎........

Jungwoo was sitting in the living room. Mafia kings enter in the mansin with their dominating and dark aura. Their bodyguards are walking behind them. All the male workers put their eyes down and all femle maids went inside. The mansion filed with different and scary silence.

They come and sit on the couches front of Jungwoo complete silence. Then a old aged women around 60'  s enter in the living room with some glasses of water. She put the water on the glass table and stand little far to take them back. But then Jeno got up, hold one of glass and throw it angrily on the floor. Every workers present in the hall except that. Old women flinched and shiver run down through their spine. The old women go near the broken glass and start picking the glass pieces silently. She take the tray and went inside the kitchen again.

Jn: (angrily) 20 men.. We have lost our 20 men..

He kick the table near the couch and table fall down. Jungwoo calmly close  his phone and put it on his pocket.

Jw: Injured.. They are just injured Jeno..

Hc:( looking at the floor greeted his teeth), its not normal thing Jungwoo. Our men are best. They are injured. It's a insult.

Yt:( deep voice ) he will pay

Jn:(angry) i will destroy choi whole gang. That other mafias will never think to mess with their kings.

Jw:(smirk) Don't worry. He is in your favorite place. Handle him tomorrow. Get fresh you gyus stink.

But suddenly he pause. He look at Haechan with suprice look with is sitting near him having some marks of nails and he is the only one among them who is smelling like roses.

Jw: (suspensible look) you smell good. How?

Hc:( blank face) what the fuck you mean?

Jw: you usually smell like shit

Haechan angrily look at Jungwoo whith his fire eyes.

Jw:( shocked ) you even have marks on your face like nails. ( mischievous smile )

Jn:( look at Haechan ) who dare to touch you? I will snatch his head from his body.

Hc:( touch the marks and smirk ) its nothing

Then Jungwoo look at Jeno and start laughing. Jeno look at him with annoying face. Jungwoo come near him and touch the bunny broch with his finger which is on Jeno' s jacket and press it twice. A cute peepeep sound come out from the broch which echoed in whole mansion.





After 10 second Jungwoo start laughing holding his stomach and Yuta and Haechan looking at Jeno with smirk.

Jw:( pressing the broch again and again and laughing hard ) what is the item, dude?

Jn:( blank face ) done..

Jw :( try to stop laugh ) well alright.. I will stop now. But you gyus have fun today. You take rest well. Meet tomorrow.

Jeno went to his room annoyingly. Haechan and Yuta also start to walk upstairs. But Jungwoo call Yuta.

Jw: Yuta...( yuta stops and look back at Jungwoo. Jungwoo smike at him ) well its frist time you care for your wound. Is it that deep?

Yuta look at his arm and the handkerchief.

Jw:  well take a rest.. Good Night

Yuta didn't say anything and move to his room. Their life is lacking of something. They are pushing everything from them except the work and their empire. They need something more than that.


Jeno' s room

Jeno come inside the room fully angry and furious.
Tense about his 20 men who are injured. He take off
his jacket and trow it on the bed. He went inside bathroom to take a relaxed shower. After 15 minutes he come back to his room only in towel wrap around in his lower part. He dry his hairs and remove his towel. It is habit to sleep without cloth. He lay down of his bed but suddenly his hand place on the bunny broch on bis jacket. He close his eyes and sigh deeply. He pick up jacket and remove the broch and about to throw but suddenly stop and bring that broch near him.

An unknowingly carefree smile appears on his face. He start remembered about Jaemin, his bunny smile, his cute little pout, his doe eyes, his stubborn nature that he even let this mafia king do what he want. He ask mafia king's to comb his toys hair, his words, his smell, his voice everything is angelic, a pure soul. But suddenly the smile on Jeno' s face vanished when he look at himself. Rude, murder, criminal and heartless mafia.

Jn:( blank face ) Don't come in my path again, Even my breath can distroy your innocence.


Haechan' s room

Haechan come to his room and sit on bed. After few minutes he lay down on his bed. Feet touching the floor, hand spread and eyes closed. After few minutes he open his eyes and smirk appears on his face. He got up from the bed and stand infront of the mirror.  He open his shirt and look himself in the mirror. His face and neck have a nails marks. He smell his shirt and its still smell like Renjun. Haechan remembered naked Renjun infront of him.
His slim waist, his pink plums lips, his cute and angry eyes dared to look in  Haechan' s eyes, his voice, his daring words which he used for him everything is so fresh for his mind, now also.

He lay on his bed again and place his shirt near him. He look at ceiling for some minutes and a smile appear on his face unnaturally for the frist time. In so many years he smile but no one is beside him to witnessed this magic. He feel something inside his chest, maybe heart.but he have a heart? Maybe from now.....

Hc: ( smile) you stole my sleep and calling me a thief.....


Yuta' s room

Yuta enter his bathroom only wearing his black denim jeans, upper body is naked. He open the shower and place in both hand on the front wall, relaxing his muscles. His arm still have blood stained so red color water is dropping from his arm. His head is a hung down, cold water is touchibg his bare
Upper muscular body. But frist time he is not satisfied with something. Something is missing.  He is carving again for someone touch.  He is taking a shower in cold water but still, still he burning like hell. His brain occupied by a particular person. Whom  he meet for few minutes and obviously he is Mark. Mark's angelic face. His care towards him, his scared but beautiful eyes, his shivered lips, his trembling hands, the way he is not looking into his eyes, his shyness everything is so breathtaking for him.

After few minutes of admiring Mark in his thoughs. He open his eyes. He put his hand inside his pocket and take out handkerchief which is having some of blood. He stare at the handkerchief  for someminutes and then hold it in his tight fits.

Yt:( deep husky voice ) You are mine.....

To be continue.....................

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