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AUTHOR’S POV ( next day )

Next day in the morning , everybody departed from Jung ’s house except the mafia kings and there cute and most beautiful husbands , mr.jung, mr. Lee and chenle  went to their mansion very early morning , so that jeno , haechan and yuta, can start their mission to win their husband's heart and make them theirs's as soon as possible , now only six people are there in the house .

Mark  who is trying hard to ignoring yuta as much as he can , and yuta who is trying hard to gain the attention of his beautiful husband , then Renjun who want to kill all three mafia kings many times from his small hands , then haechan who is trying hard to calm himself down and want to make Renjun understand that he is not that bad , then Jeno who wants to be with his Jaemin but can’t , and then Jaemin who is missing his Nono  but somewhere sad and scared because of past incident .

Right now , haechan and jeno is sitting on the dinning table , even they are not going anywhere but still they are habitual to dress well every morning but full black as always , looking handsome and hot but their bad luck that their husbands didn’t care a little that how handsome they are and don’t spare any glance on them , they both are sitting on the dinning table , and waiting for breakfast and specially their husbands ,

Hc: so you meet Jaemin last night hmm?

Jn( shocked ) : how do you know ?

Hc( chuckle ) : I am mafia king and your twin?

Jn( scratch his nape ) : well yes,

Hc ( smile } : so how you feel ?

Jn( smile) : blessed

Hc( nodded ): you should.

Jeno ( sigh and smile drop) : but he was sleeping that time I  don’t know how he will react seeing me face to face , I  have done horrible thing to him

Hc ( cross his hand ) : obviously you did bad , but now its time to make it right,

Jn: hmm, but for that I have to meet Jaemin and its impossible because of your short husband.

Hc ( smack jeno’s head ) : he is your brother in law , he is just protecting his brothers , so give him respect , or I will myself throw you out of the house and adopt Jaemin and became his father , then it will be more hard for you to meet him , understand idiot .

Jn (wide eyes ) : you are so devil bro ,

Hc ( smack again ) : dare to call your twin devil , you brat

Jn( look at  haechan ) : chan, there is a one way that I  can meet Jaemin,

Hc ( raise his one eyebrows ) : and what is that one way .

Jn ( clear his throat ) : if you can handle Renjun for today then I can meet Jaemin and .....

Hc ( plane face )} : NOT AT ALL

Jn: chani, please , you have always fulfill my each and every wish from childhood , please do this too

Hc : yes , I  have always fulfill yours and yuta hyung’s each and every wish that why you became brat and he became overly dominant , both are idiots

suddenly yuta enters and sit beside haechan, now haechan is between jeno and yuta

Yt{ frown ) : what I have done by the way,

Hc ( roll his eyes and mumble ) : here comes the second idiot

Jn(look at yuta ) ; hyung , ask haechan to handle Renjun for one day , I want to be with Jaemin and apologize to him , and please can you also make mark busy in some work,

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