02: for the Love of the Gods.

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"Why won't you listen to me?" I pleaded, but he ignored me, just like he did ever since we left the lake

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"Why won't you listen to me?" I pleaded, but he ignored me, just like he did ever since we left the lake.

His humid skin pressed against mine felt warmer with each step he took. Sweltering droplets swept down his jaw line under deep and heated breaths, making his clothes stick to his body.

We had been walking through the forest for the past hour. It seemed to me that we were heading in the direction of where I could recall to be my hometown, but it was as if we were walking through a maze. No clear path. No village lights. And I couldn't reach for my phone. It was just me, the creeping silence of the night, and the weirdo club.

"Just so you know, I am THIS close to some really-really dangerous people, and," I threatened, "and if you don't want to be very sorry later, you must seriously reconsider whatever kidnapping situation we are having here."

They were surely decided to ignore me.

"Is...is it money that you want?" I hesitantly asked after another twenty minutes of mental gymnastics. "I am sure we can figure something... something agreeable for all of us if-"

"It would be better if you would rest," interrupted Annia. "The summoning side effects will take a toll on your body if you don't."

"Ok, so we are just going to ignore everything I said, aren't we?"

The trees were hanging from the earth's ceiling like phantasms hunting the paths in front of us. And despite the unusual night heat, and the thick fur that Rexsus covered me with, the breeze that brushed against my bare skin left me with shivers down my spine. My body was cold, but I felt like my blood was boiling through my veins.

"You smell funny," said the child who made a promise to not eat me earlier. "I'd say you smell like a deer, but we didn't have those in a while, so I can't say for sure."

"Even the children are unhinged," I mumbled under my breath, as I clasped my freezing hands together in a tight grip. "No wonders."

Barefoot and barely clothed, the child which seemed no older than ten was scrawny looking, with a burnt tanned skin, and a mop of hair, which reached almost down to his waist, laced together into several intricate braids.

"My father did it," said the child, as I met his gaze half way up. "I'd say it looks even better than all the others', but pups like us need not fret over things like this. But how can I not? Look at its length! If it weren't for Rex, I'd say my hair is the most dashing in our nest. Don't you think so?"

Upon his remark I felt the need to take a closer look at the man who, for a lack of a better explanation, was the one responsible for the current situation I was in.

"This snowy looking guy?" I sceptically questioned looking closer at Rexsus. "I must say, the white does flatter him, I never could commit to bleaching my hair, such a hassle. Could you imagine all this in white?" I asked touching the ends of my hair, and looking back at his white locks slipping down from their loose tie.

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